How to catch the moment when a mischievous girl turns into a gloomy and tired aunt, and can it be prevented?

So, age-related changes in women It can begin in both the physical and spiritual segments. With physics everything is clear: weight gain or, conversely, a fair thinness. Swelling of the face, wrinkles, change in skin color. In principle, many similar parameters to the change in the body of a man. What about internal change?

We all know this unpleasant, popular word “absorbed”. Yes, the nature of the light and airy girl in the past changes, and all the signs of “Aunt Gali”, a cleaner in a nearby store, come to replace him. She becomes more suspicious, irritable, silent and with constant complaints about life. Even if life isn’t inherently bad. Why is this happening and what to do about it?

So, what can really break a woman’s spirit so much? Yeah, literally. No, not everything, but a lot. For example, too sharp. career-change Both in one direction and the other. Too busy business women often sacrifice their inner youth for success. There is nothing to say about stress at a job you don’t like.

Relationship stagnation Doesn't bode well either. When a man's all wrong. Or someone who doesn’t want to go into a serious relationship. Or even already moved, but turned out not to be the knight in white armor, as fantasy painted him. All this also turns a beautiful creature into an eternally dissatisfied meger.

And if fate brings people into a single union and gives them complete freedom of action, an ordinary one can strike covertly. household. Washing, cleaning, ironing, well, who makes it easy? In addition, the birth baby It's pretty good at hitting the nervous system. And we will remember all of that. age. So much for the stress on the female psyche.

By the way, some of these things hurt men. Because of problems at work or household, yesterday’s young people also quickly turn into men with a sad look. They are no longer interested in past hobbies and hobbies. A TV, a garage and maybe fishing every six months. Oh, and after all, before he knew all the football players and hockey players of the country, and skiing could cover unimaginable distances!

What to do with our dear women! If you feel that some heavy sadness has piled on your shoulders, and your hands are already tired of holding the sky or at least keeping the weather in the house, our advice is to help you.

  1. Try to spend every hour and minute in a positive mood. Do not give in to the small negative pricks that life presents to you.
  2. Forget about saving on yourself and your little joys. Life is too short, and you need to be able to pluck some pieces from it for your personal joy. This will help maintain self-esteem at the right level.
  3. Remember how it used to be. Nobody owed anyone anything. Why do you have to go over yourself and your pride? You are all beautiful, but not all movie stars. Don’t think about what others will say. Not a great loss, but a decent state of health is needed.
  4. Remember, you are not a friend to your husband or man. Not a servant or a mother. You are his mastermind. That's all. You can sometimes help your partner once or twice. But don’t worry, a woman should be a woman!

On the one hand, it may seem that our advice is impracticable. But it's not. Once you start moving in this direction, it becomes clear: every small step, every action turns a tired, dissatisfied woman into the beautiful flower she once was. But we would also like to offer to listen to ourselves and our desires constantly. This will save your inner world from negativity and banal aunt syndrome. Watch your feelings and learn to take them seriously.


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