Is it necessary to decide on the birth of a child in a crisis period

Many young couples are now interested in whether it is possible to have children during this difficult period. More recently, there was one problem around the world, and now quite a large part of the world can not sleep peacefully, being in shelters and afraid not to wake up in the morning.

Our desire to have children is rooted in our nature. People who love each other want to express that love in all aspects of life. They want to get married, having played a beautiful wedding to show the world about themselves. I want to come together to share every free moment. And, of course, the couple wants to have a common child to embody their love in it. The desire to give life to a new person is beautiful.

But now many people are trying to think sensibly. These are difficult times. Would it be good for a child to be born at such a time? One thing is those who at the time of the crisis were already halfway to birth. However, there are families that are just now formed and are just getting ready to make one of the most important decisions of their lives.

The main problem is the nebula of the future. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow or if it’s going to happen tomorrow. Is it worth considering having a baby at this time? I think it should. However, there are several important conditions that need to be considered.

One of them is, for example, the stability of the financial situation of the family. This sounds a bit pragmatic, but it is worth considering. If a husband and wife earn enough money to stand on their feet even in times of crisis like the ones we have now, you can think about having a baby. Do not look at the emergence of a new life through rose-colored glasses of lack of experience in this field. Having a baby is always a huge expense.

Aside from money, what matters is how well you two feel together. The couple must be confident in their relationship and in the strength of their love. It is important to understand that a child needs a full-fledged family in which everyone will give him a piece of love, warmth, attention and, what is so important now, hope.

Honesty also matters a lot. By honesty, I mean frank conversations about growing your family. It often happens that one partner only adjusts to the wishes of the other, stepping on his throat. For example, it happens when a woman is afraid that a man will leave her if she does not give him children. However, this should not be the reason for the birth of a child.

The only reason may be the desire to release a happy and joyful person into this world. We do not give birth to children to meet our needs or to take care of us in old age. Our children owe us nothing except to find their own happiness.

Waiting for times when there will be only peace and grace around is useless. There will always be some disturbing and disturbing events. However, it is important not to make hasty decisions and be ready for the birth of a child. You don’t want your child to be hungry or have nothing to wear. We want to give our kids the best, and we need resources to do that.

It is important to understand that by resources I mean not only money. It is also a kind of mental energy that can be lacking even in oneself. In this case, with the birth of a baby, it is better to wait a little. It’s hard to give a child love if you can’t give it to yourself. We are the prime example for our children in everything. We teach our children how to love and appreciate themselves.

Is it possible to have children now? Definitely. However, it is necessary to think carefully and not rush.


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