Golden mean: watering vegetables according to all the rules so that there is enough water

Even a novice summer resident understands that without water, no plants in his garden will survive. But does everyone know how often and how much to water certain cultures? Hardly. As a result, it often acts at random, trusting only intuition. And this does not always give an excellent result.

So today's editorial office. "Site" He will tell you what the right thing is. watering. After all, if there is not enough moisture, then you should not count on a serious harvest. And if you overdo it with watering, the soil will suffer, and pests will start.

Of course, you can always pour water at random. However, this approach is unlikely to suit the responsible summer resident. Every culture needs a specific amount of fluid. And these figures are hardly a secret, they are well known to specialists, they are quite possible and should be remembered.

  1. Cucumbers
    Each square meter of soil on which there are cucumbers, needs about 20-30 liters of water. And before the flowering of cucumbers, such watering should be carried out once every 7-10 days. After flowering cucumbers should be watered at least twice a week. If the weather is hot, then watering should be carried out daily.

  2. Tomatoes
    If we talk about each square meter where tomatoes grow, then about 30 liters of water should be sent here. And the morning watering works best. If we talk about the regularity of watering, then it is quite enough to carry out such work every 7-10 days.

  3. Bulgarian pepper
    If we are talking about each square meter of soil where someone grows Bulgarian pepper, then 15-30 liters of water are required here. You have to water it once a week. However, if you water this vegetable less often (every 8-10 days), then it is unlikely to affect the harvest for the worse.

  4. Roots and stuff.
    If carrots, beets and even potatoes are planted on the site, then each square meter of such soil needs 30 liters of water every 10 days. Although if we talk, for example, about eggplants, they should be watered more often - every 7 days.

Of course, if it rains regularly, watering can and should be less frequent. Someone at all. refuses to water conditional potatoes. But if you have a small plot on which you want to harvest the best crop, then try to follow all the rules of irrigation. The result will surprise you.


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