Sowing velvets mandatory, showing a proven way, will bloom in may
I know that for many, working in the garden is an outlet. And now more than ever, I want to dilute the endless viewing of the news and the anxiety inside of me with something pleasant. Why not decorate the flower bed with new flowers? I'm going to tell you today. velvetTo get friendly shoots and they bloomed in May.
Peels How to sow velvets The flowerbed, dotted with velvets, has many advantages. First, it will be filled with bright color throughout the summer. Secondly, velvets do not require any special care. This is a great option for not very experienced gardeners. Flowers are drought-resistant. And they are almost not exposed to various diseases.
Moreover, due to its specific aroma, flowers repel some pests. This is the reason why velvets are often planted alongside other cultures. For example, flowers will save cucumbers from aphids, and potatoes from a Colorado beetle.
There are many varieties of velvets. They differ not only in color, but also in height. The lowest varieties grow up to 20 cm, and the highest - up to 130 cm. The latter are most often used to create ceremonial flower beds. They go well with other colors. Short varieties look good on neat flower beds near the house. They often make a low curb hedge.
After the appearance of shoots, velvets bloom after 1.5-2 months. For flowers to appear exactly in May, it is best to sow seeds in seedlings somewhere in mid-March. However, this is still an acceptable period. Choose a sufficiently large capacity for sowing. The soil should be loose and nutritious.
Peels How to sow velvets
The first shoots will appear within 4-5 days. For seeds to germinate well, they need a stable temperature. The optimal is 25 degrees of heat. If you want to grow velvets without picking, use a deep container. The layer of earth should be at least 8-9 cm. In this case, the seeds must be sown at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.
Ready seedlings in the open ground can be planted when the spring frosts pass. Tall varieties should be planted strictly at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Middle-sized enough 20 cm, and short - 15 cm.
Is it possible to sow velvets in open ground, Velvetsy can also be sown in open ground. But you need to understand that the plant is thermal. Therefore, shoots may not appear as quickly as we would like. In addition, seeds are sown only in May. This means that the flowering will not come until July. Perhaps this is an option for those who are not in a hurry and do not like to mess with seedlings.
If you want to get very abundant flowering, you can resort to the use of fertilizers. Best of all, velvets are affected by potassium and phosphorus. For example, wood ash is perfect, which contains a whole set of other useful microelements. Also, gardeners buy ready-made fertilizers for this purpose: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.
It is great to sow several varieties of velvets at once. Then your garden will play bright colors and will please the eye. By the way, velvets are also used for medicinal purposes. How exactly, I recommend to read in the article of my colleague Nikolai Laduba at the link. Good luck!

Peels How to sow velvets The flowerbed, dotted with velvets, has many advantages. First, it will be filled with bright color throughout the summer. Secondly, velvets do not require any special care. This is a great option for not very experienced gardeners. Flowers are drought-resistant. And they are almost not exposed to various diseases.

Moreover, due to its specific aroma, flowers repel some pests. This is the reason why velvets are often planted alongside other cultures. For example, flowers will save cucumbers from aphids, and potatoes from a Colorado beetle.
There are many varieties of velvets. They differ not only in color, but also in height. The lowest varieties grow up to 20 cm, and the highest - up to 130 cm. The latter are most often used to create ceremonial flower beds. They go well with other colors. Short varieties look good on neat flower beds near the house. They often make a low curb hedge.
After the appearance of shoots, velvets bloom after 1.5-2 months. For flowers to appear exactly in May, it is best to sow seeds in seedlings somewhere in mid-March. However, this is still an acceptable period. Choose a sufficiently large capacity for sowing. The soil should be loose and nutritious.

Peels How to sow velvets
- Fill the container with soil and slightly tamp it.
- Then moisten the soil with a spray gun. Then spread the seeds on the surface of the soil in a chaotic order, but evenly.
- Moisturize the seeds, and then sprinkle a small layer of loose nutritious earth. Tamp the soil a little and moisten it again.
- Cover the container with a film or bag, and then place in the sunniest place in the apartment. Like the window sill.
The first shoots will appear within 4-5 days. For seeds to germinate well, they need a stable temperature. The optimal is 25 degrees of heat. If you want to grow velvets without picking, use a deep container. The layer of earth should be at least 8-9 cm. In this case, the seeds must be sown at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

Ready seedlings in the open ground can be planted when the spring frosts pass. Tall varieties should be planted strictly at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Middle-sized enough 20 cm, and short - 15 cm.
Is it possible to sow velvets in open ground, Velvetsy can also be sown in open ground. But you need to understand that the plant is thermal. Therefore, shoots may not appear as quickly as we would like. In addition, seeds are sown only in May. This means that the flowering will not come until July. Perhaps this is an option for those who are not in a hurry and do not like to mess with seedlings.

- First of all, prepare the place where you're going to plant the velvets. Make small grooves or holes no more than 5 cm deep. The distance between the holes should be about 30-40 cm.
- Put the seeds in the holes, and then fill them with a layer of soil at least 1 cm high. Pour the seeds.
- Thickened shoots must be thinned, while leaving at least 10 cm of free space between them.
If you want to get very abundant flowering, you can resort to the use of fertilizers. Best of all, velvets are affected by potassium and phosphorus. For example, wood ash is perfect, which contains a whole set of other useful microelements. Also, gardeners buy ready-made fertilizers for this purpose: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.

It is great to sow several varieties of velvets at once. Then your garden will play bright colors and will please the eye. By the way, velvets are also used for medicinal purposes. How exactly, I recommend to read in the article of my colleague Nikolai Laduba at the link. Good luck!
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