Why do I sow velvets year after year, and what do I do with them in the fall, not just to admire?
Homemade velvets They can turn even the most unattractive at first glance flowerbed into a work of art. These magical flowers have delighted the eye for a very long time. They begin to bloom in June and finish with the first frost.
I remembered about magic for a reason, because velvets can not only admire. They are actively used in folk medicine. With their help, they cure various ailments and strengthen the body. Today I will tell you more about it!
Who would have thought that the velvets came to us from distant Mexico? In our latitudes, the plant began to appear after the discovery of America. In the distant XVIII century, the Chernivtsy called African flowers.
This amazing plant combines a lot of health benefits. Velvets are used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking. And experienced gardeners plant these flowers in beds to protect the crop from pests.
Interestingly, modern science does not deny that velvets have healing properties. Scientists have found that the flower is able to relieve pain, accelerate metabolism and strengthen immunity.
From velvets you can make infusions and phytochas. For example, if you have vision problems, you can make a great fortifying drink from flowers.
To do this, you need to brew in 500 ml of boiling water 1 teaspoon of green tea and 2 velvet flowers. Also add there 3 flowers of calendula, 2 nettle leaves, 1 young leaf of artichoke and 2 sprigs of mint.
Insist the tea for 30 minutes. The drink can be taken throughout the day, diluting it with water. In addition, this liquid is suitable for washing the eyes with it.
If you want to improve your vision, velvets can just eat. Enough 3 small flowers a day. The preventive course lasts 1 month. The plant has an excellent effect on vision, since it contains the carotenoid lutein. This substance is also found in orange vegetables, spinach, celery, legumes and other products.
If you want to relax and relieve tension, try taking a bath with a decoction of velvets. This plant has calming properties. Excellent remedy for stressful situations and anxiety.
Peels Chernobrivts are suitable for inhalation. A wonderful remedy will help ease breathing. To do this, brew in the teapot literally 5 flowers. Wrap the teapot in a towel and let it brew for 5 minutes. Then pour the liquid into a deep bowl and breathe the flower pairs under the towel. It will take 5-7 minutes to feel relieved.
Velvets are not only used raw, but also dried. Dried flowers can be added to tea and drink it to prevent various ailments. In Georgian cuisine, for example, the dried inflorescences of Chernivtsi are ground into powder. The resulting mixture is called Imeretian saffron.
This spice is an indispensable product in the kitchen of any Georgian. It is part of the hop-suneli. In addition, it is necessarily added to dishes such as satsivi and harcho.
Recently I wrote how to remove the unpleasant smell from the closet with clothes. If you have a moth in it, a bouquet of dried velvets will help you. Just put it in the closet.
Peels If you plan to relax in nature and are afraid of mosquitoes, throw a pair of inflorescences into the fire. They will burn and emit a special aroma that will scare away hated insects.
Did you notice that there is a very rich yolk in home eggs? To achieve this, housewives add velvets to chicken feed. And a few fresh petals of velvets will significantly improve the color and aroma of red borscht. Try it!
If you want to plant velvets yourself, be sure you will succeed. Not long ago, I told you exactly how to do that. I am sharing a useful article by link.
I also suggest you learn how to sow seedlings for velvets and plant flowers at home. It's very simple!
Tell me in the comments, which of the healing properties of velvets I did not name. This wonderful plant hides a lot of secrets. Let's solve them together!

I remembered about magic for a reason, because velvets can not only admire. They are actively used in folk medicine. With their help, they cure various ailments and strengthen the body. Today I will tell you more about it!
Who would have thought that the velvets came to us from distant Mexico? In our latitudes, the plant began to appear after the discovery of America. In the distant XVIII century, the Chernivtsy called African flowers.
This amazing plant combines a lot of health benefits. Velvets are used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking. And experienced gardeners plant these flowers in beds to protect the crop from pests.

Interestingly, modern science does not deny that velvets have healing properties. Scientists have found that the flower is able to relieve pain, accelerate metabolism and strengthen immunity.

From velvets you can make infusions and phytochas. For example, if you have vision problems, you can make a great fortifying drink from flowers.
To do this, you need to brew in 500 ml of boiling water 1 teaspoon of green tea and 2 velvet flowers. Also add there 3 flowers of calendula, 2 nettle leaves, 1 young leaf of artichoke and 2 sprigs of mint.
Insist the tea for 30 minutes. The drink can be taken throughout the day, diluting it with water. In addition, this liquid is suitable for washing the eyes with it.
If you want to improve your vision, velvets can just eat. Enough 3 small flowers a day. The preventive course lasts 1 month. The plant has an excellent effect on vision, since it contains the carotenoid lutein. This substance is also found in orange vegetables, spinach, celery, legumes and other products.
If you want to relax and relieve tension, try taking a bath with a decoction of velvets. This plant has calming properties. Excellent remedy for stressful situations and anxiety.

Peels Chernobrivts are suitable for inhalation. A wonderful remedy will help ease breathing. To do this, brew in the teapot literally 5 flowers. Wrap the teapot in a towel and let it brew for 5 minutes. Then pour the liquid into a deep bowl and breathe the flower pairs under the towel. It will take 5-7 minutes to feel relieved.
Velvets are not only used raw, but also dried. Dried flowers can be added to tea and drink it to prevent various ailments. In Georgian cuisine, for example, the dried inflorescences of Chernivtsi are ground into powder. The resulting mixture is called Imeretian saffron.

This spice is an indispensable product in the kitchen of any Georgian. It is part of the hop-suneli. In addition, it is necessarily added to dishes such as satsivi and harcho.
Recently I wrote how to remove the unpleasant smell from the closet with clothes. If you have a moth in it, a bouquet of dried velvets will help you. Just put it in the closet.

Peels If you plan to relax in nature and are afraid of mosquitoes, throw a pair of inflorescences into the fire. They will burn and emit a special aroma that will scare away hated insects.
Did you notice that there is a very rich yolk in home eggs? To achieve this, housewives add velvets to chicken feed. And a few fresh petals of velvets will significantly improve the color and aroma of red borscht. Try it!

If you want to plant velvets yourself, be sure you will succeed. Not long ago, I told you exactly how to do that. I am sharing a useful article by link.
I also suggest you learn how to sow seedlings for velvets and plant flowers at home. It's very simple!
Tell me in the comments, which of the healing properties of velvets I did not name. This wonderful plant hides a lot of secrets. Let's solve them together!
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