Why dry velvets?
On the city flower beds, in the front gardens and on the balconies of high-rise buildings from June to the very cold, we are pleased with their sunny petals bright and unpretentious velvets, or Chernbrivtsy (Latin tagetes - tagetes).
The homeland of these flowers is sunny Mexico, and they were brought to Europe by Spanish conquistadors after Columbus discovered America. They came to our country around the XVIII century and were then called “African flowers”.
The English called it the “Gold of the Virgin Mary”. This name comes from the Christian tradition of surrounding images of the Virgin Mary with flowers of velvets, symbolizing gold coins.
According to legend, during the escape of Joseph and Mary to Egypt, the Holy Family began to pursue a gang of thieves. When they caught up with the fugitives and took away their wallet, the flowers of velvets fell from there instead of money.
Legend legend, but the totality of useful properties modest velvets really can be called golden. Few people know that these flowers are the most valuable medicine, protect garden plants from pests, are widely used in cooking and cosmetology.
In folk medicine, the water infusion of Chernivtsi flowers has long been used as a diuretic, sweatshop and anthelmintic. Drinking velvet tea to treat diarrhea and stomach colic.
Mexican Indians used tinctures of velvets to enhance lactation in nursing mothers, relieve rheumatic pain. And in India, the juice of freshly squeezed leaves of the plant was treated with eczema.
Modern science confirms the healing properties of velvets. It was found that they help to heal the liver and kidneys, and in the case of inflammatory processes relieve pain. Infusions of Chernivtsi improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.
At the initial stage of diabetes, they are able to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, positively acting on the pancreas. The flowers of this plant contain carotenoids, which reduce the risk of cataracts.
Velvetsy is one of the flowers of the traditional Ukrainian wreath, a symbol of loyalty. They were weaved into a maiden wreath to bewitch the guy: so that he did not forget the way to the sweet one, so that he was always faithful to her. It was believed that they ignite love interest, passion.
So, dear girls, this is another reason to prepare more golden flowers at the end of the summer. By the way, they can be added to compotes and jelly, which from this acquire not only a special aroma, but also therapeutic properties, increase the body's resistance to colds and flu.
The use of velvets in folk medicine
As we have already written, velvets have found wide application in cooking. So, modern Georgian cuisine is simply unthinkable without Imeretian saffron, which is nothing but dried and powdered inflorescences of velvets.
From the most categorical Georgians you can hear that neither sativi nor harcho can be cooked without this spice. Imereti saffron It is an essential ingredient of the famous hop-suneli mixture. The aroma of spice is very specific, floral-spicy with fruity notes.
With the help of bouquets of dried velvets, you can fight moths that have settled in the wardrobe. If you relax in nature interfere with mosquitoes, pick a few flowers of velvets and throw them into the fire, then the smoke will scare away insects.
To the yolk of the eggs turned bright yellow, add the flowers of this plant to the feed of chickens. To make the color and aroma of borsch more saturated, add a few fresh petals of velvets to the pan.
From December to March, the sun is rarely and briefly exposed due to clouds, darkens early, and sunlight is so low that it begins to negatively affect our health. How do you make up for the lack of sun?
"Site" will tell about food products that on cloudy winter days make up for the lack of hormones and vitamins, protect against diseases and help smooth out the longing of the body for sunlight.
In the cold season especially want warmth, care and something tasty. We offer you 3 recipes of homemade instant soups, which are simply a sin not to cook in the winter.

The homeland of these flowers is sunny Mexico, and they were brought to Europe by Spanish conquistadors after Columbus discovered America. They came to our country around the XVIII century and were then called “African flowers”.

The English called it the “Gold of the Virgin Mary”. This name comes from the Christian tradition of surrounding images of the Virgin Mary with flowers of velvets, symbolizing gold coins.

According to legend, during the escape of Joseph and Mary to Egypt, the Holy Family began to pursue a gang of thieves. When they caught up with the fugitives and took away their wallet, the flowers of velvets fell from there instead of money.

Legend legend, but the totality of useful properties modest velvets really can be called golden. Few people know that these flowers are the most valuable medicine, protect garden plants from pests, are widely used in cooking and cosmetology.
In folk medicine, the water infusion of Chernivtsi flowers has long been used as a diuretic, sweatshop and anthelmintic. Drinking velvet tea to treat diarrhea and stomach colic.

Mexican Indians used tinctures of velvets to enhance lactation in nursing mothers, relieve rheumatic pain. And in India, the juice of freshly squeezed leaves of the plant was treated with eczema.

Modern science confirms the healing properties of velvets. It was found that they help to heal the liver and kidneys, and in the case of inflammatory processes relieve pain. Infusions of Chernivtsi improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.

At the initial stage of diabetes, they are able to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, positively acting on the pancreas. The flowers of this plant contain carotenoids, which reduce the risk of cataracts.

Velvetsy is one of the flowers of the traditional Ukrainian wreath, a symbol of loyalty. They were weaved into a maiden wreath to bewitch the guy: so that he did not forget the way to the sweet one, so that he was always faithful to her. It was believed that they ignite love interest, passion.

So, dear girls, this is another reason to prepare more golden flowers at the end of the summer. By the way, they can be added to compotes and jelly, which from this acquire not only a special aroma, but also therapeutic properties, increase the body's resistance to colds and flu.
The use of velvets in folk medicine
- Phytochae to improve vision
On a kettle of 0.5 liters take a teaspoon of green tea, 2 flowers of velvets, 3 flowers of calendula, 2 nettle leaves, 1 young leaf of artichoke and 2 sprigs of mint. Pour the kettle with boiling water and cover with a towel for 30 minutes. Drink tea throughout the day, diluting with water in a cup. You can wash your eyes in the morning.
Velvet flowers strengthen vision well, as they contain the carotenoid lutein, on which the quality and clarity of vision depend. To restore visual acuity, herbalists are also advised to take 3 fresh flowers a day for 1 month. For children, the dosage is reduced to 1 flower. - To heal the liver.
5 flowers of velvets pour a liter of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes on a slow heat, strain. Take 250 ml before meals in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 1 month, then you need to take a week break and repeat the course. - From parasites
The velvet infusion It perfectly helps with parasitic damage to the body by worms. To prepare such a medicine, take a tablespoon of fresh flowers of the plant and pour 300 ml of boiling water. After that, keep the composition under the lid until completely cooling and, after straining, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. - With diabetes and pancreatic diseases
In diabetes mellitus pour flowers of dark color (50 pieces) with vodka (500 ml) and insist in a dark place for a week. Take before meals one teaspoon three times a day. In diseases of the pancreas, taking tincture of velvets can improve the condition of the organ, relieve inflammation and swelling, and normalize the production of enzymes.
DepositPhotos - With a cold and sinusitis
To facilitate breathing will help inhalation. Put 5 buds of blackbrivts in the teapot, pour them with boiling water so that the water reaches the bottom of the nose. Put the kettle in a towel and let me stand for 5 minutes. Breathe in the air from the nose with your mouth, exhale with your nose. When the nose begins to breathe freely, breathe in with your nose and exhale with your mouth. - With neurosis.
Baths with a decoction of blackbrivts calm the nervous system, help in stressful situations, relieve anxiety, restore mental balance. Recommended for neurosis, depression, uncertainty and confusion. - To strengthen the vessel walls
2 tablespoons of flower baskets of Chernobrivtsy and 1 teaspoon of tavolga flowers (labaznik of knitting) brew in two glasses of boiling water. Insist in closed dishes for 20 minutes. Drink the remedy 1 cup 3 times a day before meals.
As we have already written, velvets have found wide application in cooking. So, modern Georgian cuisine is simply unthinkable without Imeretian saffron, which is nothing but dried and powdered inflorescences of velvets.

From the most categorical Georgians you can hear that neither sativi nor harcho can be cooked without this spice. Imereti saffron It is an essential ingredient of the famous hop-suneli mixture. The aroma of spice is very specific, floral-spicy with fruity notes.
With the help of bouquets of dried velvets, you can fight moths that have settled in the wardrobe. If you relax in nature interfere with mosquitoes, pick a few flowers of velvets and throw them into the fire, then the smoke will scare away insects.
To the yolk of the eggs turned bright yellow, add the flowers of this plant to the feed of chickens. To make the color and aroma of borsch more saturated, add a few fresh petals of velvets to the pan.
From December to March, the sun is rarely and briefly exposed due to clouds, darkens early, and sunlight is so low that it begins to negatively affect our health. How do you make up for the lack of sun?
"Site" will tell about food products that on cloudy winter days make up for the lack of hormones and vitamins, protect against diseases and help smooth out the longing of the body for sunlight.
In the cold season especially want warmth, care and something tasty. We offer you 3 recipes of homemade instant soups, which are simply a sin not to cook in the winter.