The priest said that every Orthodox person should know when going to the church.

On the 9th day after Easter, Radonitsa is celebrated. In 2022, Christians celebrate Radonitsa on May 3. This holiday is celebrated by Orthodox since the IV century. The essence of Radonitsa is to commemorate deceased relatives. On this day one should not be sad, as well as on Easter, one should pray for the dead and rejoice that the day of their resurrection will come.

Since ancient times, Orthodox Christians came to the grave of relatives to honor their memory. On this day, Christians brought eggs and cakes to the cemetery after Easter. They dined at the grave, and the part prepared for the deceased relative was buried in the ground. There was a tradition in Russia - to drown the bath for the dead on this day, after that it was impossible to visit the bath for a day.

Today, Christians have departed from such pagan rites. There is a tradition of treating the poor with what they bring to the grave. It is good to give charity on this day, to help those in need. Father Vladimir says that alms can be anything. You can remove the grave of an unknown person, if you see that no one visits him at the grave - this is also alms.

The cemetery has long been considered a sacred place where dead Christians wait for their resurrection. The day will come when the one raised in the earth will rise again. Until then, his burial place must be kept clean. Priests say that a conventional wooden or metal cross on a Christian’s grave is more appropriate than a huge granite monument.

John Chrysostom said that instead of tears and sorrow, magnificent tombs, it is necessary to help the deceased person with prayer. Home and cemetery. Prayer is the only thing that a deceased relative needs. The tomb and monument are a tribute to pious traditions. The eternal soul needs only our constant prayer.

Before visiting the cemetery, a relative should submit a note with the name of the deceased in the church for commemoration on the altar. After the liturgy, it is necessary to serve a memorial service, and prayer for the deceased will be more effective if the prayer takes communion on this day.

At the cemetery, you should pray, you can distribute Easter dishes to the cemetery and ask to pray for the deceased to honor his memory. You can gather relatives on this day at the festive table at home to pray together for a relative who flew to heaven.

It is impossible on this day to grieve for a departed relative, to be sad and indulge in sorrow. The essence of Radonitsa is sincere joy for the reunification of the soul of the deceased with God in heaven. It is not necessary to remember the deceased with alcohol and especially to water the grave with booze. It offends the deceased. If a person feels guilty before a relative, do not ask him for forgiveness at the grave. The priests say the buried relative may answer. It's not from God, it's from a demon. It is better to repent before the Lord, and to pray fervently for the deceased so that his soul may find peace. It is impossible to remove the grave on this day, since cleaning is carried out before the Bright Easter holiday.

Father Vladimir says that in Orthodoxy there are no clear rules that dictate how to remember relatives. The main thing is prayer, and the rest is according to the dictates of the soul. It is the absence of clearly prescribed rules for commemoration that distinguishes Christianity from other religions. I advise you to watch an interview in which the priest explains how the remembrance of the dead should take place and what should not be done.


Prayer for the departed Christian: “Remember, Lord God, our faith and hope is the life of your eternal slave, your brother, our brother.” And like a good and a human lover, let go of the gays and consume the wrongs. Loosen, leave and forgive all his free will and unwitting crimes. Save him the eternal torments and fire of Gehenskaya, and grant him eternal feast and enjoyment of Your blessings prepared for those who love You. God also sins, but do not depart from You, and certainly into the Father and Son and the Holy Day, Your God in the Trinity of the glorified, the Faith, and the One in the Trinity and the Trinity in the Unity, right until the last edition of His Epistle. Be merciful to you, and believe in you instead of meditating, and with your saints as generous: bear a man who lives and does not sin. But you are one besides all sorrow, and your truth is true forever, and you are one God of mercy and generosity and human love, and we praise you for your Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.


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