Orthodox ascetic Mother Antonia warned that soon the Earth may not withstand the troubles that have fallen on it

In difficult times, the human soul wants to find comfort, help, wise advice. Perhaps, it is because of this that the thoughts of many priests, elders, soothsayers and psychics are now so valuable. Everyone has a personal right to believe them or not. But in any case, I want to hear good news. Let's wonder what it predicted for humanity. mother Antonia.

But first we will go through the main points from the biography of nun Anthony. Before monastic tonsure, the girl was called Anastasia Kaveshnikova. She was born on December 12, 1904 in one of the villages of the Ryazan province. Anastasia said that her parents were deeply religious people. From an early age, they taught their daughter to pray and brought her to church.

When the baby was about 3 years old, she visited the church with her parents on some serious holiday. Parents and did not have time to notice how the little prankster escaped from the supervision of adults and was in the altar. This did not please church officials, because according to tradition, women are not allowed to enter the altar. But the priest of that church did not scold little Nastya, because he foresaw that in the future she would become an altarwoman.


From the age of six, Anastasia sang in the church choir. At an older age, one of the elders advised the girl not to marry, as in this case, she will face a bitter fate. But the girl disobeyed and still married a man who turned out to be a terrible tyrant. She, with three children in her arms, was forced to run away from him wherever her eyes looked.

Spiritual life Because of sincere faith in the Supreme Anastasia had to persecute, reference and even imprisonment in a special hospital. From there, the shabby mother had to rescue the eldest of the sons of the future nun. But even this did not break her, but only strengthened her love for heaven and made her pray even more zealously.

In 1953, Anastasia became the spiritual daughter of Elder Kuksha, and in 1964 she joined Elder Amphilochius. Each of them noted the spiritual kindness of the woman, remembered that she was no one. He did not refuse help and prayer.. Anastasia supported everyone who appealed to her, suggested what to do, prayed for these people.

In 1990, Anastasia was offered to move to the Tolga monastery. There she took her tonsure and received the name Antony. Since then, Mother Antony has been trying all her time. pray. However, she did not refuse to help the sick and disadvantaged. Mother Anthony died on October 11, 1998 in one of the monasteries of the Kaluga region. To the place of her burial even now come those who need the help of Anthony.

Mother Antony said, “If God had opened his eyes to the priesthood.” As if the world were saved, Mother Antonia said this phrase more than once in the last years of her life. Some of her thoughts are difficult to interpret. But now many people see such words as predictions. Keleinitsa, who lived with Mother Antonia, claimed that she foresaw both the pandemic and the coming war.

“Try to unite and support each other. The main thing is that during the persecution there was love, said Anthony about difficult times. “The earth will no longer stand... Those who seek to make excessive profits will all fail, Antonia said.

Schimonakhina Antonia warned not only about a possible war between Russia and Ukraine, but also warned China and Japan about possible natural threats. Unfortunately, no one is immune from natural disasters, so you should always be on your guard. Like many soothsayers, Mother Anthony did not name specific dates, but did not forget to call everyone. trust in God and pray. The nun was sure that he would hear those who asked and help.


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