I screamed when I saw my daughter throwing a paper tray out of her eggs.
All of us have repeatedly witnessed how skill helps our housewives find the most unexpected applications for seemingly useless items. Here's an egg tray. At first glance, garbage. But don't jump to conclusions. Feeders and greenhouses, toys, crafts and stencils. What is not made of this container? And we will tell you how to use egg boxes to organize home cultivation of onions.
So, what do we need to organize a garden on the windowsill and enjoy salads with fragrant green onions during the winter holidays?
You can, of course, collect a whole battery of dissimilar cans of water and plant in each onion. But such a plantation will take quite a lot, but waiting for a large harvest is not the fact that it will work.
You can put a whole box of earth on the windowsill and plant a bow in it. But it is not very convenient, and then clean the dirt.
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Posted by Oksan (@oksana_bitsko)
We suggest using an egg box. Both cardboard and plastic are suitable. The advantages of this method include the fact that everything looks neat, there is absolutely no need for earth and enough green onions can be obtained on a very limited area.
The forthcoming work can be divided into two parts: preparation of the tray and preparation of planting material. First, cut the cover of the selected tray from the base. The lid will be a pallet, and the base needs to be slightly modified, cutting off the bottom of each cell.
The tops of the partitions between the cells should also be cut off. The first is additional ventilation. Secondly, it is more convenient to water the bulbs with them: water will be evenly distributed throughout all cells without spilling.
If the tray is paper, you can go a simpler way and, having wet a little, press the hole in the soft cardboard with your finger. Now it remains to insert the prepared base into the cover. That's all, the egg tray turned into a convenient container for growing onions.
We fill the tray with onions Choose strong bulbs with a diameter of 2-3 cm for planting. Remove the upper husk and cut the top of the bulbs by 1-2 cm. Soak the planting material in warm water for 24 hours, then dry on dry newspapers.
Place the bulbs in the cells with roots down. Then pour water so that the liquid barely touches the roots. It's simple. Put the tray on a lit window sill with a temperature of 18-20 degrees and do not forget to regularly pour water.
In three weeks it will be possible to harvest the first crop. In general, depending on the size of the bulbs, green feathers can be cut from 3 to 6 times. Such an onion bed on the windowsill is unpretentious, pleases the eye and will provide you with fresh vitamins just in time for the beginning of the New Year holidays. Bon appetit, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

So, what do we need to organize a garden on the windowsill and enjoy salads with fragrant green onions during the winter holidays?

You can, of course, collect a whole battery of dissimilar cans of water and plant in each onion. But such a plantation will take quite a lot, but waiting for a large harvest is not the fact that it will work.

You can put a whole box of earth on the windowsill and plant a bow in it. But it is not very convenient, and then clean the dirt.
View this post on Instagram
Posted by Oksan (@oksana_bitsko)
We suggest using an egg box. Both cardboard and plastic are suitable. The advantages of this method include the fact that everything looks neat, there is absolutely no need for earth and enough green onions can be obtained on a very limited area.
The forthcoming work can be divided into two parts: preparation of the tray and preparation of planting material. First, cut the cover of the selected tray from the base. The lid will be a pallet, and the base needs to be slightly modified, cutting off the bottom of each cell.

The tops of the partitions between the cells should also be cut off. The first is additional ventilation. Secondly, it is more convenient to water the bulbs with them: water will be evenly distributed throughout all cells without spilling.

If the tray is paper, you can go a simpler way and, having wet a little, press the hole in the soft cardboard with your finger. Now it remains to insert the prepared base into the cover. That's all, the egg tray turned into a convenient container for growing onions.
We fill the tray with onions Choose strong bulbs with a diameter of 2-3 cm for planting. Remove the upper husk and cut the top of the bulbs by 1-2 cm. Soak the planting material in warm water for 24 hours, then dry on dry newspapers.

Place the bulbs in the cells with roots down. Then pour water so that the liquid barely touches the roots. It's simple. Put the tray on a lit window sill with a temperature of 18-20 degrees and do not forget to regularly pour water.

In three weeks it will be possible to harvest the first crop. In general, depending on the size of the bulbs, green feathers can be cut from 3 to 6 times. Such an onion bed on the windowsill is unpretentious, pleases the eye and will provide you with fresh vitamins just in time for the beginning of the New Year holidays. Bon appetit, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
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