This is the price I paid for motherhood. Only mothers who have survived Caesarea know this truth.
“I went to a scheduled cesarean. Four weeks before I gave birth, I knew what was coming. At least that's what I thought. Is it so scary to cesarean??
Some women are afraid of surgery, believing that it can negatively affect the health of the baby. Others, on the contrary, consider it almost the only way to give birth to a healthy child, they say, a carapace, which is not squeezed out of a tube, and is not squeezed, feels much healthier than its counterparts, born naturally.
But doctors say that the baby needs to go through the birth canal, because at the same time he receives an additional portion of natural hormones, acquires a “native” microflora, becomes stronger and prepares for a new stage of life.
Only women who have survived C-sections know the truth. "Site" She shares with you facts from the experience of women who went to happy motherhood very difficult way. We admire everyone!
C-section surgery
As you can see, a cesarean section is not easy, and does not relieve the expectant mother from many problems during childbirth. We bow down to every mother, and especially to those who have gone through a cesarean and wear a priceless “happiness mark” on their bodies.
And if you, dear reader, are interested in learning about the most fashionable whims of modern mothers in labor, be sure to tell us in the comments. We are happy to write a fascinating article about the most popular trends, ranging from childbirth in the water and ending with doula.
Some women are afraid of surgery, believing that it can negatively affect the health of the baby. Others, on the contrary, consider it almost the only way to give birth to a healthy child, they say, a carapace, which is not squeezed out of a tube, and is not squeezed, feels much healthier than its counterparts, born naturally.

But doctors say that the baby needs to go through the birth canal, because at the same time he receives an additional portion of natural hormones, acquires a “native” microflora, becomes stronger and prepares for a new stage of life.
Only women who have survived C-sections know the truth. "Site" She shares with you facts from the experience of women who went to happy motherhood very difficult way. We admire everyone!
C-section surgery
- Cesarean section is a dangerous abdominal operation!
Cesarean section is a rather serious surgical intervention. Therefore, to say that such childbirth is much easier than natural is absurd. During a cesarean, there are many risks for both the mother and the baby, and a decision to conduct a cesarean section is made if a natural birth threatens the life of the woman in labor or the baby. Although the operation and its implementation have been improved for years, there are still risks. In addition, during the operation, the presence of neither husband nor relatives is impossible, as is practiced in normal childbirth. So the woman in labor remains alone, without the opportunity to receive the moral support of loved ones. - Recovery after cesarean section
Recovery after cesarean It may take a lot longer than it seems. A woman who has survived a cesarean knows that it will not be possible to immediately get on her feet. In the first days after the operation, you will not be able to eat anything but liquid cereals, you will have a terrible headache, and the whole body will languish with pain when the spinal anesthesia begins to go away. In addition, you have just become a mother of a newborn child who needs all your attention and care. Imagine raising a child with pain? Pain and discomfort are an integral part of recovery after cesarean section. And even when the scar is completely healed, it can bother a young mother for months, or even years. What about the aesthetic component... - Cesarean section can be a great experience
Many women after medical interventions feel somewhat deprived. Young mothers say: “I did not live something, missed, did not feel this miracle...” Of course, most women want to give birth naturally, and it’s incredibly fashionable these days. But if for some reason a woman had to give birth by caesarean section, this does not mean that she should be depressed and upset. She gave birth to a healthy baby, no matter how.
“Of course, then I was stitched up and stabbed. They were transported to the room and examined. They kept them on an IV and took tests. And I learned to walk again as soon as the anesthetic was gone. And there was pain, which sometimes I wanted to climb the wall. And I saw a swollen stitch on the bikini line, baked blood and a neat thread knot hanging from the side.
But it didn't matter anymore. I became a mother! And I did great. And my baby cesarean, huge as an elephant, turned out to be healthy and pretty. And the pain will subside in a few days. The seam will turn pale in six months. In three or four years, I will begin to think about repeating this experience.” - After cesarean can give birth naturally
If the first birth was not without a cesarean, many women wonder whether it is possible to give birth to a second child naturally. And often mothers who have had a cesarean, there is a desire to give birth on their own, to feel all the charms of motherhood. About 10 years ago, doctors were against it. But today, cesarean section is not a contraindication for future natural birth. You can safely plan a natural birth even after the operation. The main thing is to trust the doctor 100%.
As you can see, a cesarean section is not easy, and does not relieve the expectant mother from many problems during childbirth. We bow down to every mother, and especially to those who have gone through a cesarean and wear a priceless “happiness mark” on their bodies.
And if you, dear reader, are interested in learning about the most fashionable whims of modern mothers in labor, be sure to tell us in the comments. We are happy to write a fascinating article about the most popular trends, ranging from childbirth in the water and ending with doula.
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