The wife of Valery Meladze Albina Dzhanabayeva shared the details of the system! Just 2 teas...
An actress, singer and just a beautiful woman, Albina Dzhanabaeva became famous thanks to her participation in the pop group VIA Gra. The singer told how with the help of flaxseed oil and diet she manages to maintain its beauty.
At 38 years old, Albina looks very young and fresh, and also boasts a slim figure.
Good morning, dear ones, the weekend has begun, I want to wish you a great time with your loved ones, to gain strength in the family circle??? #morning#Saturday#relax
Publication by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Jan 26, 2018 at 11:11 PST
On New Year’s Eve, the ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” appeared on blue screens in a spectacular red dress with a seductive neckline and a high cut on the skirt.
Fans of the celebrity note that Albina began to dress more openly and increasingly appears in figure-fitting decolleted dresses.
Dear friends, He ие️2018 is approaching!!! Are you happy????????????? @1tv
Publication by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Dec 31, 2017 at 3:31 PST
Recently, Albina revealed the secret of her beauty. On her social media page, she admitted that this linseed a special system.
In the morning, 20 minutes before meals, drink a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, in the evening, 20 minutes after dinner, drink another. In the evening, you can take oil right before bedtime, explained the singer and added that in a week the dose can be increased to a tablespoon.
She noted that taking flaxseed You need to have it every day for two or three months, otherwise the skin and hair will not look better.
Happy Bright Feast to you, dear ones, may Christmas enter every home!
Posting by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Jan 5, 2018 at 6:57 PST
Dzhanabaeva also said that to maintain a slim figure, you need to abandon only a few “tasty”, but useless for the body products. She said that she should not eat flour, fried and fatty.
Good morning, dear ones! On Sunday, you can sleep longer and afford a late breakfast!!! immediately say, for me breakfast is my favorite meal, I never miss it, even if you need to get up at 5 am and time is very little. And there are people who do not eat breakfast at all, I think they just eat dinner late and deprive themselves of morning pleasure. My breakfast should be light, nutritious and warm?, ideally oatmeal on the water, with fresh fruit or nuts, hot tea with lemon and honey, the perfect morning????! How are you??????????#morning #Sunday Morning #Pleasantappetite #MorningJoy
Posting by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Jan 28, 2018 at 12:17 PST
However, there is no ban on fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. The singer added that the content of omega-3 and omega-6 in flaxseed oil is several times higher than in fish oil, which means that it will even better affect the skin and improve the condition of hair. Albina assured that the oil does not give any side or undesirable effects.
Nana "Site" More than once there were articles about the remarkable properties of flaxseed oil. You can learn more about all the ways of using it from this article.
Don’t forget to share information with your friends so they are healthy and beautiful too.

At 38 years old, Albina looks very young and fresh, and also boasts a slim figure.
Good morning, dear ones, the weekend has begun, I want to wish you a great time with your loved ones, to gain strength in the family circle??? #morning#Saturday#relax
Publication by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Jan 26, 2018 at 11:11 PST
On New Year’s Eve, the ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” appeared on blue screens in a spectacular red dress with a seductive neckline and a high cut on the skirt.
Fans of the celebrity note that Albina began to dress more openly and increasingly appears in figure-fitting decolleted dresses.
Dear friends, He ие️2018 is approaching!!! Are you happy????????????? @1tv
Publication by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Dec 31, 2017 at 3:31 PST
Recently, Albina revealed the secret of her beauty. On her social media page, she admitted that this linseed a special system.

In the morning, 20 minutes before meals, drink a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, in the evening, 20 minutes after dinner, drink another. In the evening, you can take oil right before bedtime, explained the singer and added that in a week the dose can be increased to a tablespoon.

She noted that taking flaxseed You need to have it every day for two or three months, otherwise the skin and hair will not look better.
Happy Bright Feast to you, dear ones, may Christmas enter every home!
Posting by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Jan 5, 2018 at 6:57 PST
Dzhanabaeva also said that to maintain a slim figure, you need to abandon only a few “tasty”, but useless for the body products. She said that she should not eat flour, fried and fatty.
Good morning, dear ones! On Sunday, you can sleep longer and afford a late breakfast!!! immediately say, for me breakfast is my favorite meal, I never miss it, even if you need to get up at 5 am and time is very little. And there are people who do not eat breakfast at all, I think they just eat dinner late and deprive themselves of morning pleasure. My breakfast should be light, nutritious and warm?, ideally oatmeal on the water, with fresh fruit or nuts, hot tea with lemon and honey, the perfect morning????! How are you??????????#morning #Sunday Morning #Pleasantappetite #MorningJoy
Posting by Albina Dzhanabayev (@albinadzhanabaeva) Jan 28, 2018 at 12:17 PST
However, there is no ban on fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. The singer added that the content of omega-3 and omega-6 in flaxseed oil is several times higher than in fish oil, which means that it will even better affect the skin and improve the condition of hair. Albina assured that the oil does not give any side or undesirable effects.
Nana "Site" More than once there were articles about the remarkable properties of flaxseed oil. You can learn more about all the ways of using it from this article.
Don’t forget to share information with your friends so they are healthy and beautiful too.
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