How to choose godparents for a child
Every parent must protect their child from misfortune. If a person is a believer, it is much easier. He just goes to the temple and asks God for intercession for his child. The Lord gives grace and protection in time. baptism A special day in the life of a new Christian.
Baptism Be baptized It means taking the first step towards God. But many of us know very little about the rite itself. It’s no surprise that parents take this issue seriously. That's right.
For the sacrament to pass according to all canons and rules, there are strict prohibitions established by the Church. They are binding. In consultation with the priest, the "Site" prepared ban-listwhich must be observed during the christening.
Bans on christening
In order to prevent violations and not spoil the holiday, go to the temple in advance and find out from the father, How to perform the rite correctlyWhat to buy in advance and what to buy in church.
If you have godchildren, remember them not only for birthdays. Invite the children to go to the temple for confession and communion. In your daily prayers, always ask the Lord for their protection and blessings.
Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ: “Lord Jesus Christ, be your mercy on my godchildren (names), keep them under your roof, protect them from all evil lust, repel from them every enemy and foe, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.” “Lord, we are all your creation, take pity on my godfathers and turn them to repentance.” Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my godson, and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of your holy gospel, and guide them in the path of your commandments, and teach them, O Saviour, do your will, as you are our God.
Long before the birth of a child, think about which close people you would like to see as godparents. If in doubt, ask the spiritual master who can be taken to the godparents despite superstition, and who can not.
Never bypass the church. Always come to this place as soon as you have such an inner desire. The Holy Fathers always have answers to worldly questions that do not give rest.
We may have missed important ones. bans related to christeningTell us in the comments what we forgot to mention. Maybe it's superstition or old tradition, let's try to figure it out together. God bless you!
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Baptism Be baptized It means taking the first step towards God. But many of us know very little about the rite itself. It’s no surprise that parents take this issue seriously. That's right.
For the sacrament to pass according to all canons and rules, there are strict prohibitions established by the Church. They are binding. In consultation with the priest, the "Site" prepared ban-listwhich must be observed during the christening.

Bans on christening
- The most important rule, which the clergy are tired of repeating, concerns the presence of godparents in the church. If the person was not present during the ceremony, He's not considered godfather.. Of course, no one forbids to help the child and pray for him, but by his presence the godfather agrees to be a receiver and undertakes to educate the child in accordance with the Christian faith. You can't do that in absentia.
DepositPhotos - Only those who are already baptized can be godparents. And the main godfather of the child is one: the boy has a father, the girl has a mother. Therefore, if there are no other options, one person may be present at the christening.
- The mother is strictly forbidden to attend the sacrament during the 40 days after birth. Until then, it is considered unclean. The ban on entering the temple applies to the godmother, if the day of the christening coincided with its monthly.
DepositPhotos - It is forbidden to baptize a child to a person who has accepted monasticism or suffers from a mental disorder.
- Parents cannot be godparents to their own children. Adoptive parents are also subject to this ban.
DepositPhotos - Strictly forbidden. marriage between the priests and their godchildren, the successors and the physical parents of the godchild. The question of marriage of the receivers among themselves is controversial and in different temples it is treated differently. Although we believe that we should take couple As godparents is undesirable, but it is more a tradition than a ban. Church officials remind us that spiritual kinship is always above physical kinship.
By the decree of the Holy Synod of December 31, 1837, the relationship between the receiver and the receiver was declared non-existent. Acceptors of the same child may enter into church marriage.”
A husband and wife are allowed to be the adoptive parents of different children in the same family. And it is allowed to baptize children cross-cross, that is, the parents of the child (at least one of them) can be godparents. - It is forbidden to carry out the holy rite of baptism consciously a second time. If a person does not know whether he was baptized, the sacrament can be performed only after the permission of the priest.
DepositPhotos - In ancient canons there is a ban on bathing a child after christening. Washing should be done on the eighth day after the ceremony.
- Forbidden communebaptized before 40 days of birth. The first communion is possible only after church, which is performed on the fortieth day of birth or later.
In order to prevent violations and not spoil the holiday, go to the temple in advance and find out from the father, How to perform the rite correctlyWhat to buy in advance and what to buy in church.
If you have godchildren, remember them not only for birthdays. Invite the children to go to the temple for confession and communion. In your daily prayers, always ask the Lord for their protection and blessings.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ: “Lord Jesus Christ, be your mercy on my godchildren (names), keep them under your roof, protect them from all evil lust, repel from them every enemy and foe, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.” “Lord, we are all your creation, take pity on my godfathers and turn them to repentance.” Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my godson, and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of your holy gospel, and guide them in the path of your commandments, and teach them, O Saviour, do your will, as you are our God.

Long before the birth of a child, think about which close people you would like to see as godparents. If in doubt, ask the spiritual master who can be taken to the godparents despite superstition, and who can not.
Never bypass the church. Always come to this place as soon as you have such an inner desire. The Holy Fathers always have answers to worldly questions that do not give rest.
We may have missed important ones. bans related to christeningTell us in the comments what we forgot to mention. Maybe it's superstition or old tradition, let's try to figure it out together. God bless you!
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