Women of inexorable age: 16 hard facts about life after 40
In the life of a woman after 40 there are many amazing discoveries. A lot of things that made a lot of sense 10 years ago now seem small. Now every moment of life becomes a treasure, you begin to appreciate what you never noticed before. You look at some things with a lot of humor and self-irony. Below we will tell you about the funny changes we face. mature.
Older women
Maturity does not mean the beginning of a midlife crisis. Moreover, recent scientific studies have recognized age-crisis myth. Never be a president, a movie star or an Olympic champion. But you're a good doctor, accountant, programmer, mom, after all. Now you know yourself better, you have confidence in yourself and your abilities.
Undoubtedly, the body and mind of women lose their former power and attractiveness. But many women would not agree to exchange their forty with a ponytail for their elastic twenty. At 40 you love harder, laugh louder, respect yourself more. Reality has hardened you, made you bold and fearless - and this is the best version of you!
Which one did you recognize yourself in? What do you think, ideal age? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Older women
- Hair.
No, not head hair. Everyone knows they will become thin and lifeless and eventually fall out. But no one expected sluggish bristles on the chin. You may not notice them at home in the mirror, but once you appear in public - here they are, please, tremble with the breeze! You get tweezers and clean up.
DepositPhotos - Brain.
You forget why you came into the room. Looking for your phone everywhere, holding it in your hand. "What's that actor's name, you know, in that movie?"
DepositPhotos - Hygiene
Hygiene standards are now very controversial. Express extreme dissatisfaction with someone drinking juice straight out of a pack, but letting pets sleep in their bed. 803090
DepositPhotos - Face.
Brass and sunglasses are your best friends. A screen hiding a little flabby face for a quarter? Yes, and again yes!
DepositPhotos - Underwear
No more thongs and squeezing punches. You found your perfect lingerie brand and you try to be true to it. Life is too short to comb shops looking for bras and panties.
DepositPhotos - Nutrition
Eat a cake in one sitting, washed down with sweet soda, you could in your youth. And now, your old gastronomic habits might just kill you.
DepositPhotos - Style.
Increasingly, you wear sweatshirts outside. Karl Lagerfeld once said, “Sports pants are a sign that you have lost control of your life.” To the greatest joy, sports pants at the peak of the trend, in such and at work, there is no shame. Also, you're surprised to find that hipsters wear everything you did in high school. - Shoes.
Heels? Hit them! Comfort is now the main criterion when choosing shoes. Without embarrassment, you tell the shop assistants that your leg is very wide. It's nice that birkenstocks and moccasins are in fashion now.
DepositPhotos - Hangover
It's getting harder and harder to roll. You can grab a hangover from just looking at a bottle of liquor.
DepositPhotos - makeup
Going out on the street unpainted you equate to an aggressive act of violation of public morality.
DepositPhotos - Music.
"Time Machine," "Cinema," "Aquarium," "DDT" -- the once-protesters and oppressed idols of your rebellious youth are now called "classics," and sometimes "hopelessly obsolete." David Bowie has died and ABBA is recording a new album. - Figure
You recognize the fact that the perfect body is the one you're in now. There won't be another. Health, rest and careful handling of the body have become much more relevant for you.
DepositPhotos - Literacy
Sensitivity to literacy increases significantly. An inappropriate comma witnesses your half-hour dissatisfied muttering. And “self” instead of “shou” causes in you attacks of such righteous anger, which can be subdued only by a glass of red semi-sweet.
DepositPhotos - Parents
You stopped seeing mom and dad as disgusting despots intent on ruining your life. They're actually pretty nice people who just wanted the best.
DepositPhotos - Worrying.
Going on a trip, you turned off the iron, oven, gas, water, fed the cat to the dump. And remember exactly that you brought money, passport, tickets, phone. But still nervous, checking the bag: did you forget what?
DepositPhotos - On the other hand...
You no longer worry about things you can’t control. For example, what people think of you. To invite an unpleasant person, you simply refuse. You no longer have to waste your precious time on toxic people.
Maturity does not mean the beginning of a midlife crisis. Moreover, recent scientific studies have recognized age-crisis myth. Never be a president, a movie star or an Olympic champion. But you're a good doctor, accountant, programmer, mom, after all. Now you know yourself better, you have confidence in yourself and your abilities.
Undoubtedly, the body and mind of women lose their former power and attractiveness. But many women would not agree to exchange their forty with a ponytail for their elastic twenty. At 40 you love harder, laugh louder, respect yourself more. Reality has hardened you, made you bold and fearless - and this is the best version of you!
Which one did you recognize yourself in? What do you think, ideal age? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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