Why Older Parents Need Care and Attention

With the development of the Internet and mobile communication, it seems that the world has become closer. In a couple of seconds, you can contact any person interesting to you and communicate. But this kind of communication doesn’t save people from loneliness. Communication is a lot, and even the closest people sometimes can not find the right words for each other.

And today's edition. "Site" He will try to figure out what it is. Parent-child relationship And why are so many older people dissatisfied with the ones they raised?


Conscientious parents always try to invest in the child all the best that they have. They work without rest and save on their needs to provide the child with everything necessary. But very often they do not get the expected attitude.

What's the problem: parents can't raise up a grateful child Or are they just asking too much of him? We were touched by a story told by one of the subscribers, Tamara Petrovna. Her relationship with her only son clearly demonstrates the problem and makes you think about the complexity of the relationship between the closest people.

I look at women who have adult daughters and envy white envy. You're lucky. Daughters and help come, and grandchildren bring, and devote to their care. Who has daughters, his life is boiling. I have a son. Raised, put all my soul, and he married and now completely in a strange family.

Only around the mother-in-law and spins - it brings, then brings, then on the weekend will go to help. And every daughter-in-law in the family is perfect. I am an old woman who has no help or attention. I'm sorry I'm not helping my wife. How can I help you? I'm a regular pensioner.


“Yes, I used to gather in an apartment. Now I'm giving up - after all, an increase in pension. And he's telling me that if I were a normal mother, I'd let him and his wife into the apartment so they wouldn't huddle in rented housing.

On the question of why the parents of the daughter-in-law will not help them with housing, he parries that they can not. If they could, they would have given it away. They are perfect, and I am a miser.


“At first I really thought I’d let them in. Now I know I did the right thing. It’s easy to do, and then try to get rid of it. I wouldn't have had an apartment. You can't match your mother-in-law anyway. No way!

In those 2 years after his marriage, the relationship completely broke down. At first, the daughter-in-law was sweet, friendly, looked into the eyes. And now, I'm sure if I meet her on the street, she won't say hello.

DepositPhotos: Families are always built around a daughter-in-law. My grandmother said I had a baby boy for nothing. Says, they say, daughter to the end, and son to the crown. I just brushed it off, saying that as you raise a child, that's how he'll grow up. Turns out Grandma was right.

Who's to blame? closestMom and son, are they so far apart? Is it because of an ungrateful daughter-in-law who sees a strange old woman in her mother-in-law? Or is it because of a upbringing that didn’t give him the right values or give him a sense of gratitude?


Psychologists say that such situations are not uncommon. If the parents raised their son and put their whole soul into him, they try to build his life after marriage. They advise, criticize, demand. Such external interference does not like either the son or his chosen one, because they may have completely different views on the future.

The most common cause of conflicts between parents and children is the focus of each party on their own interests. No one wants to give up and put himself in the place of another. The mother does not want to understand that the son has a job, a pregnant wife, duties to his father-in-law and mother-in-law. The son cannot give his mother time as before, and does not want to listen to the reproaches associated with this.


Everyone has their own life, their own concerns and their own interests. Until someone gives in and decides to take the first step towards reconciliation and understanding of the other side, mother-son They'll be stretched. It is important to understand in time that life is not infinite. If you don’t take the first step today, it may be too late tomorrow.

Take care of your loved ones and write what you think about it. Perhaps an example from your life will help other people to establish understanding in the family.


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