How to Clean Your Home of Negative Energy
They say that even walls are treated at home, but sometimes it is quite the opposite. Returning home, you feel tired and heavi, as if the walls are pressing on you. This happens when there is too much negative energy in the house. Diseases, quarrels, envious guests - all this destroys the positive energy of the house and fills it with negativity. This kind of garbage needs to be removed immediately.
Today's edition. "Site" He will share with you the advice of Alena Kurilov, house-cleaning from negativity and bad energy.
Psychic recommends cleaning the house with a simple ritual. You'll need salt and a church candle for it. It is best to take Thursday salt, if there is prepared, but the usual one is also suitable. Salt is the best defense against all evil. So pour salt into the cup. If there is a battered cup or jar in the house, it is better to take it. Put a candle in the salt and light it.
You can put a candle in the place where recently there was a scandal or where there was a sick person. During the ceremony, you can recite prayers to which the soul reaches. When prayers are read, you can leave a candle and do your own thing. The candle must burn to the very end. It absorbs all the negativity, and salt neutralizes it. After the candle goes out, take the cup with all its contents with your left hand and throw it in the trash on the street.
Upon returning home, shut the front door and lock it. You get rid of the negativity by throwing away the rites, and you leave all the good things in the house, lock it with a key. If you have free time, you can hold an extended version of the ceremony. It's best if you're home alone at this time.
Do all the same as in the first version, but do not leave the candle to burn, and walk with it throughout the apartment. Starting from the hinges of the front door, walk clockwise, stopping with a lighted candle in each corner and a doorway. Windows, doors, corners and mirrors are openings in the energy of the house, there usually accumulates negativity.
So go slowly without missing anything. You can say a prayer or just ask the candle to help clean the house. If in some place the flame begins to burn strongly, step back and pass this place again, it means that bad energy has accumulated there. So go in a circle to the front door, get out of the house, blow out the candle. Then throw it in the trash with your left hand. Go back to the house and lock the door.
After this ritual, it will be easier to breathe, as the psychic says. The flow of energy will be restored, and prosperity and peace will return to the house. If there were quarrels or illnesses, they would soon cease. Such a ritual should be carried out at least once every six months, but if you feel bad energy, you can do it more often. Alena Kurilova also recommends cleaning new housing before settling in there.
Alena Kurilova says that many parents turn to her due to the fact that the child is often sick or very poor sleep for no good reason. Then she proposes to conduct a rite that will cleanse the child of negative energy (in case the previous rite did not help).
To do this, collect clean water in a container and charge it with positive energy. This can be done by reading a prayer over the water or asking it to grant health and peace to your home.
Then break a fresh egg into this water. Put this container at the head of the child's bed at night. It is necessary to perform the ritual during the waning moon and repeat every day until the new moon. After that, the disease should recede. By the way, this can be done not only with children. If you feel bad, you can perform this ritual for yourself.
Another tip shared by the psychic: if there is a place of accumulation of bad energy in the house, you need to put a flower there. He will cleanse the negative place with his living energy. There is a list of plants that help restore positive energy in the house. You can choose what you like best.
The house is our shrine, our fortress, and it must be carefully guarded. We can’t control the whole flow of bad energy, but we can always cleanse the negativity. There are many ways, you are free to choose one that you like. Take care of yourself and your house!
Did you like the psychic's advice? Have you tried cleaning your house? Tell us in the comments!

Today's edition. "Site" He will share with you the advice of Alena Kurilov, house-cleaning from negativity and bad energy.
Psychic recommends cleaning the house with a simple ritual. You'll need salt and a church candle for it. It is best to take Thursday salt, if there is prepared, but the usual one is also suitable. Salt is the best defense against all evil. So pour salt into the cup. If there is a battered cup or jar in the house, it is better to take it. Put a candle in the salt and light it.
You can put a candle in the place where recently there was a scandal or where there was a sick person. During the ceremony, you can recite prayers to which the soul reaches. When prayers are read, you can leave a candle and do your own thing. The candle must burn to the very end. It absorbs all the negativity, and salt neutralizes it. After the candle goes out, take the cup with all its contents with your left hand and throw it in the trash on the street.

Upon returning home, shut the front door and lock it. You get rid of the negativity by throwing away the rites, and you leave all the good things in the house, lock it with a key. If you have free time, you can hold an extended version of the ceremony. It's best if you're home alone at this time.
Do all the same as in the first version, but do not leave the candle to burn, and walk with it throughout the apartment. Starting from the hinges of the front door, walk clockwise, stopping with a lighted candle in each corner and a doorway. Windows, doors, corners and mirrors are openings in the energy of the house, there usually accumulates negativity.

So go slowly without missing anything. You can say a prayer or just ask the candle to help clean the house. If in some place the flame begins to burn strongly, step back and pass this place again, it means that bad energy has accumulated there. So go in a circle to the front door, get out of the house, blow out the candle. Then throw it in the trash with your left hand. Go back to the house and lock the door.
After this ritual, it will be easier to breathe, as the psychic says. The flow of energy will be restored, and prosperity and peace will return to the house. If there were quarrels or illnesses, they would soon cease. Such a ritual should be carried out at least once every six months, but if you feel bad energy, you can do it more often. Alena Kurilova also recommends cleaning new housing before settling in there.

Alena Kurilova says that many parents turn to her due to the fact that the child is often sick or very poor sleep for no good reason. Then she proposes to conduct a rite that will cleanse the child of negative energy (in case the previous rite did not help).
To do this, collect clean water in a container and charge it with positive energy. This can be done by reading a prayer over the water or asking it to grant health and peace to your home.
Then break a fresh egg into this water. Put this container at the head of the child's bed at night. It is necessary to perform the ritual during the waning moon and repeat every day until the new moon. After that, the disease should recede. By the way, this can be done not only with children. If you feel bad, you can perform this ritual for yourself.

Another tip shared by the psychic: if there is a place of accumulation of bad energy in the house, you need to put a flower there. He will cleanse the negative place with his living energy. There is a list of plants that help restore positive energy in the house. You can choose what you like best.
The house is our shrine, our fortress, and it must be carefully guarded. We can’t control the whole flow of bad energy, but we can always cleanse the negativity. There are many ways, you are free to choose one that you like. Take care of yourself and your house!
Did you like the psychic's advice? Have you tried cleaning your house? Tell us in the comments!