Can a woman walk without a bra?
Nature is more popular than ever before. Free the Nipple encourages people to bare their breasts as freely as men do. Designers in support of femininity create clothes that do not involve wearing underwear. And there are fewer and fewer classic bras on the shelves.
Many women are willing to support the new trend, but doctors have an opinion on this. Editorial "Site" He'll tell you if you should go. women without a bra.
Many bras are really uncomfortable and can harm the breast. But it is worth remembering that there are different types of bras. To choose braYou need to take into account the size, fullness of the breast, as well as the state of health and type of activity (walking, sports, going out).
Mammologists claim that the rejection of the bra is beneficial for breast owners no more than the third size. In the absence of lyph, there is a natural strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus of the mammary glands. At the same time, girls with breasts of the third size should wear a bra during physical activity.
Mammologists are against invisible boobs, which are attached to the chest with the power of the silicone base. When using such products, the breast overheats, blood flow increases to it, which can cause the activation of abnormal cells and further degeneration into malignant neoplasms. It is clear that the rare use of such bras will not cause trouble.
Women with 4-5 breast sizes also say that walking without a bra is comfortable. But a bust of decent size needs support, because the force of attraction has not been canceled. To avoid sagging breasts, you need to wear a bra. Only not with puschap and pits, but lace, silk or cotton bustier and tops. The main thing is that they support the breasts well.
But girls with silicone breasts bra with foam cup is contraindicated. We can say that it was from them that the fashion began to wear clothes without underwear. After all, the chest keeps in shape and looks seductive without support and pushapa. But there are times when everyone needs to wear a bra.
For example, you can not give up bra nursing mothers. They should wear a special bra designed for breastfeeding. Here, the role is played not so aesthetics and comfort as medical indications. You should also wear special clothes during pregnancy. After certain operations, you need to wear bandage plates on the recommendation of a doctor.
As you can see, not all women can completely refuse to wear a bra. After all, it has not only a seductive function, but also is able to help the breast maintain health and external attractiveness. But if you experience discomfort or pain while wearing a bra, you should definitely consult a mammologist.
Earlier we talked about how to choose the right bra.
Tell us in the comments how you feel about the trend of giving up the bra. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Many women are willing to support the new trend, but doctors have an opinion on this. Editorial "Site" He'll tell you if you should go. women without a bra.
Many bras are really uncomfortable and can harm the breast. But it is worth remembering that there are different types of bras. To choose braYou need to take into account the size, fullness of the breast, as well as the state of health and type of activity (walking, sports, going out).

Mammologists claim that the rejection of the bra is beneficial for breast owners no more than the third size. In the absence of lyph, there is a natural strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus of the mammary glands. At the same time, girls with breasts of the third size should wear a bra during physical activity.

Mammologists are against invisible boobs, which are attached to the chest with the power of the silicone base. When using such products, the breast overheats, blood flow increases to it, which can cause the activation of abnormal cells and further degeneration into malignant neoplasms. It is clear that the rare use of such bras will not cause trouble.

Women with 4-5 breast sizes also say that walking without a bra is comfortable. But a bust of decent size needs support, because the force of attraction has not been canceled. To avoid sagging breasts, you need to wear a bra. Only not with puschap and pits, but lace, silk or cotton bustier and tops. The main thing is that they support the breasts well.

But girls with silicone breasts bra with foam cup is contraindicated. We can say that it was from them that the fashion began to wear clothes without underwear. After all, the chest keeps in shape and looks seductive without support and pushapa. But there are times when everyone needs to wear a bra.

For example, you can not give up bra nursing mothers. They should wear a special bra designed for breastfeeding. Here, the role is played not so aesthetics and comfort as medical indications. You should also wear special clothes during pregnancy. After certain operations, you need to wear bandage plates on the recommendation of a doctor.

As you can see, not all women can completely refuse to wear a bra. After all, it has not only a seductive function, but also is able to help the breast maintain health and external attractiveness. But if you experience discomfort or pain while wearing a bra, you should definitely consult a mammologist.
Earlier we talked about how to choose the right bra.
Tell us in the comments how you feel about the trend of giving up the bra. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.