What you need to know about the bra frame

Recently, in a conversation with her friend in a cafe, I heard this thought: “A bra with bones is a tool for torture of women!” Every time I leave work, I rush home to throw him away. I can't wear a bra without the bones.”

Many women believe that comfortable bras do not happen, but this is far from the case. You just need to know a few tricky ways to fix a little trouble. Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you, dear reader, why. bones come out of the bra and what to do with them.

Bra bones Bras with bones give the breast a beautiful shape and slightly lift it. On the other hand, many after buying a bra immediately remove the bones. Stitched into bra cups, they can be dangerous to health.

One of the most common problems is painful rubbing. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if metal bones pierced the delicate skin of the chest with great force.

What to do with bra bones
  1. The easiest way to prevent the bones from getting out of the bra is immediately after buying to sew a patch in the place where the bone ends.

  2. If the bones climb out even from the previously stamped bra, it is worth wrapping their sharp edges with several layers of insulating tape or patch, wrapping in fabric or wrapping with a thread. This will help to avoid tearing the tissue again.

  3. There are cases when repairing a bra with a flying bone is quite problematic, since the fabric is not enough to sew up the gap. Then the bone should be cut so that the edges of the hole converge and they can be sealed. Don’t worry, shortening the bone will not affect the shape of the bra or the comfort of the sock.

  4. If problems with a bra caught you on the road, at work or at a party, when there is no needle or thread at hand to sew a hole and somehow alleviate the situation, a cotton pad or a pad can help. The end of the arc will rest on the lining, which will slightly reduce discomfort and pain. Of course, this will help you only for a very short time, because when you move your hands, the design will certainly move somewhere.

  5. The reason for the loss of bones from the bra is often the quality of underwear. Poorly sewn bra made of low quality material wears out faster. It is also important that the bones are not too long, because they will come out of the bowl faster. In this case, it is better to buy more expensive underwear that will last more than one month.

  6. Putting laundry in the washing machine without any protection and washing at maximum speed, you can ruin even a very expensive bra. It is better to wash bras by hand or purchase special balls for washing bras in the washing machine. They protect the delicate design and provide safe washing.

Editorial advice I suggest you know a couple of great life hacks for washing underwear. My favorite things shine white again!

And finally, we give another reason why the bones fall out of the bra bowls - wearing an incorrectly selected bra. The right bra. It does wonders. However, many wear products that are too small, so the weight of the breast causes the frame to change position.

The bone moves and begins to get into the material and then into the body. With a correctly selected bra, the force is directed to the center of the bone. It doesn't slide or pierce tissue. That is why when buying linen you need to be guided not only by price and design, but also choose models. right-size!

Tell us in the comments how you deal with this problem.


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