Breastfeeding regime

A baby needs constant maternal attention. Although he does nothing but sleep and eat, the latter is the problem.

Young mothers know how to feed a child, but do not know when and how often, so that the baby is not hungry and overfed.

To understand the issue of the regime of breastfeeding, we will use the advice of Dr. Komarovsky.

“A healthy baby knows when it’s time to eat,” says Komarovsky. A child who is naturally fed usually stays next to the mother and has the same biorhythm with her. He is rarely hungry, because he immediately declares his desire to eat by crying.

“If, according to your calculations, it is time to feed him at 15:00, and he started yelling at 14:30, then do not be nervous yourself and make the baby nervous. Give him breasts and both calm down.”


It is normal for an infant to want to eat even in the middle of the night. “If the baby cries in her sleep, the whole family will be better off if the mother spends 30 minutes feeding, after which all family members will peacefully continue to sleep,” he said.


At the same time, it is forbidden to wake the child on their own only because the mother or grandmother seems as if he has not eaten for a long time and it has been a long time since the last feeding. If the baby is asleep, he is not hungry.


But even there are exceptions to this rule. The doctor defines them that way.

Feeding exceptions
  1. It is not time for him to feed, but it is time for you to feed (you run away to the institute to take exams, you need to go to the clinic, a meeting is scheduled in the hairdresser and so on).
  2. Children with low weight or low weight gainer, the doctor may recommend reducing the interval between feedings.
  3. If the mother has cracked nipples, you can not bring the baby to a feeling of wild hunger.


There are certain standards. Mode of the day of a monthly child on breastfeeding This is the equivalent of eating every three hours. With growing up, the interval between meals (mother's milk) increases. It increases the child himself: sleeps longer, asks less.

If the baby asks to eat less than two hours after the last feeding, it is likely that he was underfed last time. Usually, to get enough, the child takes 15-20 minutes.

DepositPhotos The case of an employee of Philippine Airlines Patrice Organo is known. The flight attendant heard a little girl crying on the plane. When she ran to her mother, it turned out that the baby’s mother ran out of formula for feeding, and her milk was not.

The flight attendant herself was the mother of the baby, despite the fact that she had already gone to work, and therefore decided to feed the baby with her breast.


Even without explaining to her mother, the flight attendant realized from the sound that the cry she heard was the cry of a hungry child, not a sleepy or irritated one. This means that any other mother will be able to understand what is happening to her newborn baby, and the maternal instinct will help her in this.

Unfortunately, not all passengers of the plane correctly understood the flight attendant’s act. God is the judge.


From all the above it follows that Breastfeeding Day It is established by the child himself. To understand what this mode is, you need to monitor the behavior of the baby. This is usually easy for the mother, because in the first year of life she is with him as a whole.

If we talk about the regime, it is also important to know what should be a healthy sleep child and how often he can wake up at night. Read about it in our articles.


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