Individual marriage arrangements

It is no secret that the date of birth affects our lives. Each person has his own number of fate: when a person was born, presupposes not only certain traits of character, but also certain characteristics. marriageIt indicates the wedding day and professional success. Well-known numerologists conducted a study and revealed patterns between when a person was born and when he will marry.


Editorial "Site" It will tell you how to schedule your marriage and find out what age is most favorable for starting a family. Note that there are several peaks for marriage. So take a piece of paper and a pen to find out the best. weddingage.


Life schedule by date of birth
  1. First, write down your date of birth on paper. Take 18.02.1992 as an example. To find out codeMultiply the number and month by year of birth: 1802×1992=3591576.

  2. Now draw a graph. On the vertical axis will be numbers from 1 to 9, and on the horizontal from 17 to 23. As you can see, that's age. The next horizontal row will be 24-30 and so on. As we have already said, there is not only one successful date in a person’s life.

  3. Now it's time to set dots and highlight peaks. As you remember, our number is 3591576. The first digit 3 will be opposite 17, 5 opposite 18, 9 opposite 19 and so on. Now connect the dots between you and you will get a clear broken line.

  4. Now we're analyzing. The best years to get married are 19, 25 and 33. Next, look at the age (you can analyze up to 100 years). Also good are 22, 29 and 36. 20, 27 and 34 are the worst ages to start a family. It is not a fact that everything will turn into a divorce, but you will have to put a lot of effort into a harmonious relationship. You may have had other ambitions and priorities during this period.

A similar schedule can be applied to men. Also in numerology there are many techniques that allow you to determine the character of a person by date of birth, his strengths, the best years for work, and even find a soul mate.


If you are having trouble creating a schedule, we advise you to watch this video.


Also, we talked about the Chinese method of self-knowledge “9 stars”.

Tell us in the comments about your life schedule results. It is also very interesting to find out if it coincided with reality, you can analyze your relatives for example. Share this article with your friends on social media!

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