How to replace household chemicals

Order in the house can not be maintained only with water and cloth. Especially careful care requires wooden furniture, glass, ceramic surfaces.

Usually we buy all sorts of polishes, gels, sprays for a lot of money, without even assuming that you can clean the house with simple penny means from the pharmacy. And very effectively, without damaging property, without smearing dirt and leaving bacteria the opportunity to multiply.


House cleaning facilities
  1. Glycerin is a thick oily liquid with no odor or color. Covering furniture with a thin protective layer, it prevents the accumulation of dust and dirt. Dilute. tablespoon Three liters of water and start cleaning.

    Previously, it was often used for interior cleaning in hotels, restaurants and museums. Especially well he coped with cleaning and polishing glossy surfaces, mirrors, laminate, parquet.


  2. Simple. vitamin in the form of effervescent tablets perfectly copes with lime plaque on plumbing. In the evening, throw some crushed tablets in the sink and toilet. In the morning, clean them with a brush and an old toothbrush. The raid will go.


  3. Activated carbon - an excellent absorbent that helps the intestines cope with poisoning. It works on the same principle outside. Activated charcoal eliminates unpleasant odors in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets.

    Grind it and put it on a small plate where you need to clean the air.


  4. Hydrogen peroxide It also has a wide range of applications. This is an antibacterial agent that can disinfect not only wounds, but also cutting boards and working surfaces of the kitchen. Dilute a tablespoon of peroxide in a liter of water and wipe the right places with it. Also, peroxide in combination with lemon juice whitens dishes and fabric well, without spoiling their structure. Combine hydrogen peroxide with lemon juice in equal proportions and pour into a basin with water. Then place in it for an hour items that need to be whitened.


  5. Essential oil They help freshen the air. Breathing them is much safer than fresheners. They also have disinfectant properties. In a room with air soaked in fragrant oil, no fungus and mold on the walls and ceiling are ever formed. It is enough to add a few drops to a cup of water and heat it in a water bath, allowing the oil to evaporate. Or pour it into a special lamp for essential oil.


    It is also recommended to add essential oil to the water for washing wooden floors. After it, the floors shine, attract less dust and dirt and smell nice. Wet cleaning of the house using oil is recommended no more than once a week.


  6. Talc is a safe remedy for fighting fresh stains on carpets and sofas. It is necessary to sprinkle heavily with them the contaminated place, press a sheet of paper with a heavy load to it. The next day, remove the paper, and the thing is good to knock out or go through the vacuum cleaner.


Cleaning the house without Household chemistry is real. Find out more ways to clean your home safely in our next articles. Follow the links.


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