How to survive poplar down season
Ordinary people rejoice in the warmth that has finally arrived and the flowering trees. Here. allergic-poor It's definitely not fun or fun right now.
Allergy to poplar down In late spring and early summer, poplars begin to bloom. Poplar down You can see it everywhere, even in your own apartment.
How do I know? Is there an allergy to poplar down??
Symptoms of allergies
Redness of the eyes, desire to rub the eyes.
Sore throat and shortness of breath.
Absence of elevated temperature.
If during the period when there is a lot of fluff outside, you observe such symptoms, most likely you have allergies.
Best. poplar - reducing the effect of the allergen on the body. How do you do that?
How to reduce the impact of an irritant
If you decide to take pharmaceuticals against allergies, be sure to consult an allergist. Many remedies relieve symptoms, but give unpleasant consequences in the form of drowsiness or nausea.
Remember that the best treatment for allergies is to increase your own immunity! Try to strengthen immunity with products and physical exertion.
Advice from the editorial board: buy a salt lamp. Salt ions perfectly clean the air, including allergens.

Allergy to poplar down In late spring and early summer, poplars begin to bloom. Poplar down You can see it everywhere, even in your own apartment.

How do I know? Is there an allergy to poplar down??
Symptoms of allergies
- Stuck nose, runny nose, sneezing
Redness of the eyes, desire to rub the eyes.
Sore throat and shortness of breath.
Absence of elevated temperature.

If during the period when there is a lot of fluff outside, you observe such symptoms, most likely you have allergies.

Best. poplar - reducing the effect of the allergen on the body. How do you do that?
How to reduce the impact of an irritant
- If you just got home, take a shower and wash yourself right away. Wash your nose. seawater. Such water can be bought at the pharmacy. 380984
- Most poplar down on the street in the period from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Try not to go out at this time, and if necessary, then reduce such hikes to a minimum. Be especially careful in dry and windy.
- Show me. moisture at home at least twice a week. Try not to use the vacuum cleaner. Minimize things that can accumulate large amounts of dust.
- Close the windows. mosquitonet Or wet gauze so that the fluff doesn't get into the apartment.
If you decide to take pharmaceuticals against allergies, be sure to consult an allergist. Many remedies relieve symptoms, but give unpleasant consequences in the form of drowsiness or nausea.

Remember that the best treatment for allergies is to increase your own immunity! Try to strengthen immunity with products and physical exertion.
Advice from the editorial board: buy a salt lamp. Salt ions perfectly clean the air, including allergens.