The Secret of Happiness by Michelle Pfeiffer

Thoughts about approaching old age can seriously spoil the life of even quite young people. Especially with great fear of aging expect women, because they often value their beauty. And irreversible changes in appearance (or even the expectation of such changes) can cause any beauty to be horrified.

It is difficult to reconcile with the loss of youth and attractiveness of famous women who over the years of popularity have become accustomed to universal adoration. And it is even more surprising when among them there are those who are rather philosophical about age-related changes and do not rush for help to plastic surgeons.

Today's edition. "Site" She will talk about the beliefs of American actress Michelle Pfeiffer, who celebrated her 61st birthday. The woman is sure that after 50 her life has become much better, so she decided to share the fears that ate her. younger.

Youth and maturity “One day they stop pressing you with the same force.” You no longer have to struggle to look younger. You look at yourself in the mirror and you realize that for your age you look beautiful, which means everything is fine.

Can you believe me that the painful anticipation of aging is far worse than aging itself. When I turned 50, I was really free. Why? Because the thought of it stopped haunting me. “Yes, I turned 50, but I didn’t shrink overnight and the next morning I saw the same thing in the mirror as before,” she said.

“In addition, I began to appreciate life even more, not only for myself, but also for my loved ones. When the glass finally gets half full, it brings great relief.

As I waited for my 50s, I did some math calculations and realized that my birthday would catch me on the set of Sheri. Then I thought that I would be just in the midst of a hurricane and regretted that life was preparing me such a gift.

“But the birthday came, passed, and nothing changed. My face was not covered with wrinkles, and the butt remained in place. I even found it exciting that the partners on the set are getting younger as I get older, Pfeiffer said.

“Finally, I have more time for myself, even though I continue to work hard. I'm glad the producers still want to work with me. And yes, I feel more comfortable today because I stopped worrying about age and wrinkles. But there was more joy than when I was 30 and I was doing big projects.

Mine secret of youth and beauty? It's too simple! It is so simple that others are bored with it. You just need to take care of yourself with love: watch what you eat, play sports, but in moderation. Nothing should stop you from enjoying life. Try to find harmony within yourself.

Life is not eternal. Someone is sick, someone is leaving this world. This leads to the idea that it is worth celebrating each next day. Just be happy and grateful for everything.”

“The great thing about growing up is that you no longer have to look perfect. You just relax and life becomes easier. Today I can play characters I was afraid to play in my younger years. I can leave my comfort zone and enjoy life as much as I want, concluded Michelle Pfeiffer.

Very correct words. From a great actress and just a beautiful woman who managed to overcome their fears and learned just to enjoy life. Maybe you should listen to her, don't you think?


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