How to become a master of creating fashion images

In life, nothing stands still – everything changes, including fashion. About 2 years ago, I came across Marie Kondo’s book “Magical Cleaning”. The Japanese art of putting things in order at home and in life, after reading which my life changed radically. I threw out the house and gave away everything that does not cause me joy and delight. The same goes for clothes.

In fact, once a week, mostly on Saturdays, I do it. wardrobe. This method helps me to look modern, stylish and fashionable at any time of the year. In addition, to replace unloved things from the category of “go down every day” comes only those clothes in which I look stunning.

Today's edition. "Site" I have prepared a collection for you, dear reader. variants of obsolete imagesClothing that is worth parting with, postpone until better times or combine in a different way.

Outdated clothing
  1. These images are irrevocably outdated. “No, no, no and no again. They'll look at you. Even I do not allow myself to appear in decent society! – says the pensioner Raisa Lvovna, who also now dismantles the wardrobe once a week.

  2. Remember, things are just things. It doesn’t matter how many clothes you need to be happy. It is more important to treat it correctly, take care of it, store it so that it is convenient to use, and be able to part with what is outdated long ago.

  3. If you want to focus on global fashion trendsFirst, you need to rethink your attitude towards consumption. A good start is not to buy things that will last less than a year, and shopping therapy is unlikely to help you fight autumn depression. If you need clothes that will give you uniqueness, you can try vintage - the designers suggested we go back 30 years, but no one bothers to dig deeper.

  4. Coat coat is already tired (a few years in fashion), in the trench it is cold at +8. A cashmere (wool) classic coat will never go out of fashion, it is warm and comfortable. Put off synthetic products, especially since in the 70s and 80s such kind was applied, and in the 90s they dressed up in laminated cloaks, velvet dresses and skirts. Fresh breath brings jackets and coats into the cage, a large strip combined with skin.

  5. The final stage of releasing the wardrobe is to determine the fate of the things you need to part with. Carry out a second audit: finally discarded copies hand over for recycling to the nearest mass market store, some new or in good condition things can be transferred to a charitable foundation, and some - sold through groups on Facebook or on other specialized sites.

    And do not be afraid to part with things that no longer bring you joy: let you have a small but real life. wardrobeIt will fit your taste and style one hundred percent.

I also suggest you to learn about the anti-trends of the cold season – 2019 and how to replace these things. Do not tear on the rags and carry on the trash, albeit outdated by fashionable standards, but such a favorite jacket or coat. You can even save such things if you combine them with trending things correctly.

periodic wardrobe cleaning It is useful not only as a tool for finding your own style, but also for mental health. Getting rid of old, unnecessary or just boring things is akin to a breath of fresh air: perfectly puts your thoughts in order and helps you understand where you go next.


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