How to use starch at home

Starch is an organic substance that can be found in many plants. But we are currently interested in its useful properties and how they can be used in everyday life.

Turns out starch is a great helper in the house. With it you can do a lot of utilities, dishes and household chores. The benefits of starch It is also highly regarded by nutritionists due to its low calorie content and high nutritional content. But that's not all.

There are 3 main types of starch used in cooking. This is potato, corn and rice starch. Corn and rice are most often used to prepare delicate desserts and sweets. Potatoes are better for sauces, cutlets and soups.

If you want to know if starch is present in a particular product, just drop a little iodine on its piece. If there is starch on the cut, the product will turn blue. If not, the color will not change.

When cooking gravy, starch is also necessary. It will thicken its consistency and make the gravy more saturated. If you're making meat sauce, don't forget to add butter to the starch. It's a great tandem for such an occasion.

If you need to glue paper, fabric or cardboard, use a kleister. It's affordable. starch glueIt was also used by our parents. It is ideal for wallpaper gluing, especially if the surface of the walls has been painted.

Do you want to make biscuits lush and without flour taste? Add starch to the test, in the proportion of 1 part starch to 10 parts flour. Such a culinary technique will make the dough soft and loose, just what you need for excellent baking.

If you make a breading of starch with spices, the meat inside will remain juicy and soft. And the crust will be thin and crispy. Such a clay is suitable for fish, as well as for other seafood.

Add just a few spoons of any starch to the water, and silverware will shine as new. The fact is that the particles of starch are a natural abrasive. They act like the smallest sandpaper. And its chemical properties will help remove dark plaque from the surface of the product.

Take a few grams of starch and drop some of your favorite essential oil on it. Shake it. Due to the fact that starch absorbs odors, you will get fragrant, natural powder for the body without harmful additives.

If you cook with starch, don't forget that part of the flavor it will take away. Therefore, safely add salt, sugar, spices a little more than usual. In addition, they should not be abused. Add starch over measure, for example, in pancakes, and the dough will become rubber.

As you can see, starch is a wand for any hostess. It is useful not only in the kitchen, but also in everyday life. And we, in turn, hope that we have helped you to unlock its potential.


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