How to use starch: 10 ways that you will be pleasantly surprised!
Potato starch - a product which is prepared from potato tubers. This free flowing powder white or slightly yellowish color, which is absorbed by the human body is remarkable. But this product is very underestimated, because it can be called excellent assistant, who must always be at hand a good housewife. There are many ways of using this product at home, and even as a cure for many ailments. You can verify this myself, as prepared for you today 10 ways you can use this product.
1. Body powder,
Mix the starch with a few drops of favorite essential oil and mix thoroughly. At your disposal flavorful and natural body powder with a calming effect.
2. Animal Care
Starches can replace the usual shampoo for animals. It's enough to put it on the hair and comb pet.
3. Old deck of cards has become a new
If you have a souvenir pack of cards, which is very dear to you, but the cards have become sticky, put them in a sealed plastic bag and trotted with the starch. Then shake maps.
4. Old plush toys
Soft toys also require periodic maintenance. To clean them, put their favorite toy in a package with the starch. After that, trotted up and leave for the night. In the morning you have to vacuum the toy.
5. Wooden furniture
To obtain an effective cleaning agent for wood furniture, mix water starch in a proportion of 1: 1.
6. When angina
Dissolve in a glass of water half a teaspoon of starch and 3-5 drops of 5 per cent alcoholic solution of iodine. Stir the solution and rinse their throats several times a day to fast and sure to get rid of a sore throat.
7. When gastrointestinal diseases
Three times a day for 15 minutes before eating the inside of dessert spoon of potato starch. Each portion was washed down with a third cup of boiled water.
8. For the treatment of abrasions and inflammation of the skin, age spots and acne
Starch is rubbed into the skin, where there are abrasions, inflammation, or acne, get rid of them. Also, you can use it as a powder.
9. For wrinkles on your hands and softening calloused areas of the skin
It is necessary to make starch trays. To do this, a spoonful of starch brew liter of boiling water and wait until the solution has cooled slightly.
10. When cold, cough and runny nose
Mix half a tablespoon of starch, a tablespoon of honey, 2 fresh raw egg yolks and 2 tablespoons butter. All mix until smooth and take half a tablespoon 3 times a day for an hour before a meal.
In addition to these properties, the starch is able to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, as it has anti-sclerotic properties. And thanks to the high potassium content it helps to remove excess water from the body (which is important for those suffering from kidney disease and drinkers).
via takprosto.cc

1. Body powder,
Mix the starch with a few drops of favorite essential oil and mix thoroughly. At your disposal flavorful and natural body powder with a calming effect.
2. Animal Care
Starches can replace the usual shampoo for animals. It's enough to put it on the hair and comb pet.
3. Old deck of cards has become a new
If you have a souvenir pack of cards, which is very dear to you, but the cards have become sticky, put them in a sealed plastic bag and trotted with the starch. Then shake maps.
4. Old plush toys
Soft toys also require periodic maintenance. To clean them, put their favorite toy in a package with the starch. After that, trotted up and leave for the night. In the morning you have to vacuum the toy.
5. Wooden furniture
To obtain an effective cleaning agent for wood furniture, mix water starch in a proportion of 1: 1.
6. When angina
Dissolve in a glass of water half a teaspoon of starch and 3-5 drops of 5 per cent alcoholic solution of iodine. Stir the solution and rinse their throats several times a day to fast and sure to get rid of a sore throat.
7. When gastrointestinal diseases
Three times a day for 15 minutes before eating the inside of dessert spoon of potato starch. Each portion was washed down with a third cup of boiled water.
8. For the treatment of abrasions and inflammation of the skin, age spots and acne
Starch is rubbed into the skin, where there are abrasions, inflammation, or acne, get rid of them. Also, you can use it as a powder.
9. For wrinkles on your hands and softening calloused areas of the skin
It is necessary to make starch trays. To do this, a spoonful of starch brew liter of boiling water and wait until the solution has cooled slightly.
10. When cold, cough and runny nose
Mix half a tablespoon of starch, a tablespoon of honey, 2 fresh raw egg yolks and 2 tablespoons butter. All mix until smooth and take half a tablespoon 3 times a day for an hour before a meal.
In addition to these properties, the starch is able to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, as it has anti-sclerotic properties. And thanks to the high potassium content it helps to remove excess water from the body (which is important for those suffering from kidney disease and drinkers).
via takprosto.cc
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