How to find inspiration

Everyone has moments in life when you give up or stand at a crossroads. Relatives can not always find the right words of support, and it remains only to be sad. But don't despair! Editorial "Site" I made a selection for you. inspirationalTo help you reset and rethink your values.

Life is full of questions that are difficult to answer. We hope phrasing Great and successful people will help you improve your mood and swim on the wave of positive. Keep harmony and be inspired by the beautiful!

Short Quotes on the Meaning of Life
  1. “If you want to make the world happy, go home and love your family.” – Mother Teresa
  2. “Peace is stronger than emotion. Silence is louder than screaming. Indifference is worse than war. – Martin Luther

  3. “Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. – Benjamin Franklin
  4. “I did not fall in love with you for beauty, nor will I stop loving you for old age.” – Rudolf Sommerfeld
  5. “Live so that people, faced with you, smile, and communicate with you, become a little happier.”

  6. “Sometimes in some strange way things get better by themselves.” – Max Fry
  7. “Happiness is when your loved ones are alive, healthy and happy. Everything else can be repaired, discarded, bought and forgotten altogether. – Leonid Sukhorukov

  8. “Don’t say you don’t have time. You have as much time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein.
  9. “Never regret what you did when you were happy.” – Omar Khayam
  10. May God forgive us when we are unhappy with what we have.

  11. “The best way to ruin a relationship is to start figuring it out.” – Winston Churchill
  12. “All the events that happen to you, all the people around you, come into your life because you brought them there. What to do with them is up to you. – Richard Bach

  13. “Twenty years from now, you will regret more what you did not do than what you did. So cast aside doubt. – Mark Twain
  14. “Not the great who never fell, but the great who fell and rose.”
  15. “Living as you wish is not selfish. Selfishness is when others have to think and live the way you want. – Oscar Wilde

  16. “Make a woman happy for many reasons. First, so that the nerves do not spoil, and secondly, it is pleasant to watch. There is only one problem: if she does not love, she cannot be made happy. -Dmitry Greenberg
  17. “The expression you wear on your face is more important than the clothes you wear.” – Dale Carnegie
  18. “If it is hard for you, you are climbing the mountain. If it is easy for you, you are flying into an abyss. – Henry Ford

  19. “He who is guilty does not always ask forgiveness. Forgiveness is for those who cherish relationships. – Erich Maria Remarque
  20. “Wise is not he who knows much, but he who knows what is right.”
  21. “Whoever can, does. He who cannot, criticizes. – Chuck Palahniuk
  22. “When it’s hard, always remind yourself that if you give up, it won’t be better.” – Mike Tyson

  23. “As long as you are concerned about what other people will say about you, you are in their power.” – Neal Donald Walsh
  24. “To love a woman is to think not of what you get from her, but of what you give to her.” – Andre Maurois
  25. “When you want something very badly, the law of attraction comes into play.” – Andrew Cornegie

Editorial Board
To quote the Buddha: “How many wise words do you read, how much do you say, what good is it to you if you do not apply them in practice?” All our actions begin with thought. Think positively and the world will be kinder. And of course, put all your knowledge into practice to live happily and decorate the lives of others.
Sometimes the phrase read so accurately emphasizes self-perception and perception of the world that the soul becomes easier from the awareness of the existence of like-minded people. Do you have any favorite aphorisms that inspire and cheer you up?


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