How to grow an unpretentious bush in the garden
Rhododendron, or, as it is also called, azalea, is a luxurious decoration of any garden. Its large flowers-skirts, collected in umbrellas, bloom so magnificently that sometimes even the leaves cover themselves.
18 species of rhododendron are distributed on the territory of our country, and all of them are listed in the Red Book. Growing such a flower, you will not only improve your garden, but also preserve the fauna and continue the life of the plant.
Flowering rhododendron Rules of planting and care
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18 species of rhododendron are distributed on the territory of our country, and all of them are listed in the Red Book. Growing such a flower, you will not only improve your garden, but also preserve the fauna and continue the life of the plant.

Flowering rhododendron Rules of planting and care
- Choose the right place. Rhododendron likes to be in the penumbra, in a quiet place without drafts. Do not plant rhododendrons next to deciduous trees: they take food from each other. But pines, juniper, thuis, larch, heather are good neighbors.
DepositPhotos - Take care of the soil. Rhododendron likes an acidic environment. If you have another, for example, clay earth, you will have to buy a peat-based mixture and plant it in order for the plant to take root. You can make the mixture yourself from peat, coniferous, leafy earth and river sand. Or peat, sawdust, sand and sulfur.
DepositPhotos - Rhododendron seedlings Before landing, you need to place in water for an hour. Also, when landing, water the hole with water. The depth of the pit should be 15 centimeters, but it is important that the neck of the plant is not underground.
DepositPhotos - You should always monitor the frequency of watering. The adult bush is watered 2-3 times a week with 10 liters. Young - more often, but not so abundantly. During flowering, the bush can also be sprayed. The water should also be acidic, with the addition of 4 g of citric or oxalic acid per 10 liters of water or 3 tablespoons of vinegar.
DepositPhotos - Periodically loosen the ground around the bushes, but not deep, because rhododendrons have a surface root system. Also, to protect the plant from weeds and insulate, you can mulch the soil around it with sawdust with a thick layer of 5 centimeters.
DepositPhotos - Cut the wilted inflorescences. They take the strength from the plant to tie the seeds. It is better if rhododendron spends them on growth. In the first year, it is recommended to cut off not yet blossomed buds. To get a lush flower bush the next time.
DepositPhotos - How to feed rhododendrons? Any fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium are suitable. The feeding time is also important. It is necessary to feed plants three times a year: in spring, in June after flowering and in autumn.
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