How to look younger than a damn passport

The WHO says that youth lasts up to 44 years, those who are under 60 years old can be called mature, and the elderly – everyone over 75. Then comes old age. Only this concept can not be put into numbers, some people, and especially often try on the old age of a woman ahead of time. Of course, not from the good life, but the old age of a woman is written on her face. Much depends on how she looks in her years.

People like to give the example of Hollywood stars with perfect skin tone and cinematic facial expression. As for the average average woman. Everything is not as rosy and fun as I would like. Not everyone wants, or maybe doesn’t have the opportunity, to take care of themselves as much as cover women do. But even more important are the habits, sphere of activity and worldview of a woman. Here are the reasons why women over 50 look older than.

Over the years of permanent stay in four walls, she has long forgotten about heels, beautiful dresses and makeup. It is not necessary to dress up like this in your years. The usual three-time cooking at the stove, ironing, washing, cleaning. Why do you need fitness if your life is too busy? But the husband is fed, the children are full, the house is clean and orderly. So, due to stereotypes, carefully instilled in her childhood about the way of family life, a woman forgets about herself. She becomes nervous because she assumes all the responsibilities of the ideal wife, and she does not think about personal time. Sometimes women in their 50s come up with the business of a typical old woman. Dacha, conservation, gardening, livestock.

There is no time for reading books, yoga, dancing or walking. I don't want to, to be honest. Walks for young Pigalis, whose legs do not hurt. So a woman wraps herself in her own old cocoon, from which she cannot get out herself. This requires a caring husband or loving children who will send their mother on vacation, go shopping or go to cafes.


To memorized stereotypes added heroism. A modern woman does not sit at home with children, first she sticks out her tongue, moves up the career ladder, suddenly the husband will not feed the family? And then he runs out and cooks dinner, cleans up, does homework with the kids, and so on. Stress and anxiety do not rejuvenate. A woman begins to gray, she does not sleep well at night, and fatigue is a loyal friend. To please yourself somehow, many begin to eat stress. This makes you overweight. Who ages godlessly.

There is no time for a therapist, and no one will go to him. Because as a child, no one was taught to take care of their mental health, only to take care of others. Like children and husband. That is why, while remaining in the decree, women launch themselves. They believe that they have done everything that society dictated to them, now you can relax and eat enough, and generally eat every day, thank God, married.

Indecent dresses and bright clothes gradually leave the closet for a long time not a young beauty. This dress is small, in this skirt it looks vulgar. In fact, fashion is stupid. Unpretentiousness and depreciation of oneself are visible in the image of a mature lady. Mostly, women over 50 choose spacious, comfortable and plain clothes. Balachon pants and a gloomy blouse are the choice of a woman who does not love herself.

In a literal sense, an annual visit to the dentist is very expensive and not clear. As long as the teeth do not hurt, do not waste money. That’s what the Soviet Union thinks. It is not always a habit, many simply do not have the means for it. Women postpone a visit to the dentist and delay the moment, because they do not want to think about how much the treatment will cost.

A woman’s old age is her responsibility. Yes, in many ways you have to infringe, given the modest financial situation. But you cannot forget about your female desires, deny yourself pleasure. Let the trip to the beauty salon be once a month, maybe less often, but it should be. Groomed hair, beautiful skin and a smile are what you see. Without a good mood, youth and beauty cannot be preserved. You need to love yourself, allocate time and money for what you really want.


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