Grandma drags water from a well, runs to a latrines on the street, but flatly refuses to move to the city
What can surprise an experienced traveler by a random companion? And how can the story of an 85-year-old woman's life change the idea of true happiness? That’s what we want you to know by reading a letter from one of our readers.
Accidental companion, hello. My name is Yura, I'm 36 years old. My father was a sailor, so the craving for adventure and the dream of traveling I had from an early age. For a long time I did not believe that my dream would ever come true, but by the will of fate it did happen.
I travel to different countries in my own car. I explore little-known towns and cities. And I often take random fellow travelers. It is from them that I learn the most interesting facts about the life of local settlers. It is the occasional meetings with all these people that make my travels so colorful and unforgettable.
Today I want to talk about one of those meetings.
Recently, I decided to return to my home country for a while. Wildly wanted to visit the village, where he spent all his childhood, and just stuck longing for his homeland.
A few miles before my village, I noticed a lonely old woman walking slowly along the highway. Of course, I couldn’t drive past and decided to give my grandmother a ride. She willingly agreed to keep me company. It turned out her village was right next to mine, so I didn't even have to change the direction of my route.
When my grandmother got into the passenger seat, I started asking her about life and why she walks alone at such times. And it was going fast towards the evening...
The story of the old grandmother told that she is 85 years old and lives in an abandoned village with a population of 3 people. Nevertheless, she is happy with her life. Although it is difficult sometimes to cope with the housework in such and such years, but somehow it gets out. Then the neighbor will help bring water from the well, then the grandchildren will come - clap for it.
She told me she made a living knitting. She makes napkins herself and goes to the local market twice a month. Today I sold 5 of my best works. I walked because there are no direct buses to the village. That's how you get there.
The story was so vivid and rich that I was only a diva. About all the inconveniences and everyday troubles of the grandmother spoke with a good smile, and sometimes even laughing. I didn't even notice how time flew by.
Upon arrival, I asked my companion how she managed to maintain such a positive attitude in all the difficulties she had to cope with. I asked her why she didn’t move in with her grandkids and why she kept calling her.
My grandmother replied, I love this village. It's calm, it's good. And what is difficult sometimes, so it only increases the effort to apply, temper and body and spirit. Here, look, I'll live to 100. And I would go to the city - who knows, maybe I would not be in the world. What am I in that town? Sit in a concrete box and see no white light. Thank you, I don’t want that kind of happiness.
That's why we said goodbye. I've been thinking about this meeting for a long time. How little does a man need for happiness? Give others luxury and comfort, but she only has a garden outside the window and health in her body, so that she can walk in that garden.
What's your real happiness?
Accidental companion, hello. My name is Yura, I'm 36 years old. My father was a sailor, so the craving for adventure and the dream of traveling I had from an early age. For a long time I did not believe that my dream would ever come true, but by the will of fate it did happen.

I travel to different countries in my own car. I explore little-known towns and cities. And I often take random fellow travelers. It is from them that I learn the most interesting facts about the life of local settlers. It is the occasional meetings with all these people that make my travels so colorful and unforgettable.
Today I want to talk about one of those meetings.

Recently, I decided to return to my home country for a while. Wildly wanted to visit the village, where he spent all his childhood, and just stuck longing for his homeland.

A few miles before my village, I noticed a lonely old woman walking slowly along the highway. Of course, I couldn’t drive past and decided to give my grandmother a ride. She willingly agreed to keep me company. It turned out her village was right next to mine, so I didn't even have to change the direction of my route.

When my grandmother got into the passenger seat, I started asking her about life and why she walks alone at such times. And it was going fast towards the evening...
The story of the old grandmother told that she is 85 years old and lives in an abandoned village with a population of 3 people. Nevertheless, she is happy with her life. Although it is difficult sometimes to cope with the housework in such and such years, but somehow it gets out. Then the neighbor will help bring water from the well, then the grandchildren will come - clap for it.
She told me she made a living knitting. She makes napkins herself and goes to the local market twice a month. Today I sold 5 of my best works. I walked because there are no direct buses to the village. That's how you get there.

The story was so vivid and rich that I was only a diva. About all the inconveniences and everyday troubles of the grandmother spoke with a good smile, and sometimes even laughing. I didn't even notice how time flew by.
Upon arrival, I asked my companion how she managed to maintain such a positive attitude in all the difficulties she had to cope with. I asked her why she didn’t move in with her grandkids and why she kept calling her.
My grandmother replied, I love this village. It's calm, it's good. And what is difficult sometimes, so it only increases the effort to apply, temper and body and spirit. Here, look, I'll live to 100. And I would go to the city - who knows, maybe I would not be in the world. What am I in that town? Sit in a concrete box and see no white light. Thank you, I don’t want that kind of happiness.

That's why we said goodbye. I've been thinking about this meeting for a long time. How little does a man need for happiness? Give others luxury and comfort, but she only has a garden outside the window and health in her body, so that she can walk in that garden.
What's your real happiness?
Why Negative Thoughts Shorten Our Days
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