For a week I do not meet gadches, ants and ticks, they bypass me by the tenth way.
Summer is a great time to get out to nature, to the sea or to leave the city. But mosquitoes are not going to rest at all and accompany us everywhere - wherever you look. Thankfully, my grandmother told me what mosquito-fighter It's very helpful at home. And I'm not now about store anti-mosquitoes, which work once again, and you can not all of them, but about folk, time-tested.
Today's edition. "Site" will share three life hacks, as mosquitoAnd at the same time from midges and ticks home methods for pennies. They are safe from annoying insects!
Remedy for mosquitoes at home
This recipe was invented by the northerners and say that it is very saving from unbearable vampires in the forest!
Buy a tincture of valerian ordinary in the pharmacy, in the kitchen take a bag of vanillin and your favorite hand cream. In a convenient container, pour valerian, sprinkle vanillin on top and mix all this well until the vanillin is completely dissolved. Then add 3 tablespoons of the cream and stir again.
Apply this remedy to the naked body before going out into nature or at home at night. Grandmother friends say that with this tool you can not be afraid to sleep with open doors and windows. Mosquitoes fly away from this scent like scalded!
Besides, it's valerian It helps with mosquitoes and even ticks. It can be applied to both young children and during pregnancy. It is safe, and its cost is more than budget. In addition, the aroma from the body comes out pleasant, you will smell like a similar bun, and valerian itself acts soothing.
The only drawback is to stay away from cats as far as possible, otherwise they can follow you and lick you.
Essential oils from mosquitoes are especially effective and safe for young children, provided that they are not allergic to these oils. Helping. essential oils Lavender, palmarosis, carnations and tea tree oil. Drop a few drops in the palm, rub and stroke the child.
Vinegar and sunflower oil Take 1/3 vinegar, 1/3 sunflower oil and 1/3 shampoo / shower gel and mix all this well. Apply the product to open areas of the body. Be sure that after this magic drug, no mosquito will come near you. And the gizzard with the gadfly will also fly by. Checked out in trips to Karelia!
We have prepared a list of plants that drive mosquitoes away from the site. Thanks to these beautiful plants, you can safely enjoy warm summer evenings on your site without worrying about annoying bloodsuckers.
My favorite remedy for mosquitoes at home is definitely vanillin with valerian tincture. And I also put on a bedside table a lemon studded with cloves (seasoning). It also helps a lot, and I’m not worried about the negative consequences, as was the case with purchased repellents.
How do you get away from the “beloved” insects? There are vetted labourer?
Today's edition. "Site" will share three life hacks, as mosquitoAnd at the same time from midges and ticks home methods for pennies. They are safe from annoying insects!
Remedy for mosquitoes at home

This recipe was invented by the northerners and say that it is very saving from unbearable vampires in the forest!
Buy a tincture of valerian ordinary in the pharmacy, in the kitchen take a bag of vanillin and your favorite hand cream. In a convenient container, pour valerian, sprinkle vanillin on top and mix all this well until the vanillin is completely dissolved. Then add 3 tablespoons of the cream and stir again.
Apply this remedy to the naked body before going out into nature or at home at night. Grandmother friends say that with this tool you can not be afraid to sleep with open doors and windows. Mosquitoes fly away from this scent like scalded!

Besides, it's valerian It helps with mosquitoes and even ticks. It can be applied to both young children and during pregnancy. It is safe, and its cost is more than budget. In addition, the aroma from the body comes out pleasant, you will smell like a similar bun, and valerian itself acts soothing.
The only drawback is to stay away from cats as far as possible, otherwise they can follow you and lick you.

Essential oils from mosquitoes are especially effective and safe for young children, provided that they are not allergic to these oils. Helping. essential oils Lavender, palmarosis, carnations and tea tree oil. Drop a few drops in the palm, rub and stroke the child.

Vinegar and sunflower oil Take 1/3 vinegar, 1/3 sunflower oil and 1/3 shampoo / shower gel and mix all this well. Apply the product to open areas of the body. Be sure that after this magic drug, no mosquito will come near you. And the gizzard with the gadfly will also fly by. Checked out in trips to Karelia!
We have prepared a list of plants that drive mosquitoes away from the site. Thanks to these beautiful plants, you can safely enjoy warm summer evenings on your site without worrying about annoying bloodsuckers.

My favorite remedy for mosquitoes at home is definitely vanillin with valerian tincture. And I also put on a bedside table a lemon studded with cloves (seasoning). It also helps a lot, and I’m not worried about the negative consequences, as was the case with purchased repellents.
How do you get away from the “beloved” insects? There are vetted labourer?
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