The best way to protect yourself from a tick, remember and perform mandatory

May's coming, and the ticks aren't sleeping! Before going out into nature, it is very important to think about your safety. This applies to both people and domestic animals. Good. tick-proof Today you can buy at any pharmacy. But there are other aspects to keep in mind. I will tell you everything in order, and at the end of the article I will share a folk remedy for protecting pets.

Protection from ticks Before going to the forest is worth worrying about tick-protection. You need to dress so that the parasite can not climb under the clothes and stick to the skin. It is best that things fit tightly to the body. For example, pants can be tucked into socks, and shoes can be chosen with a high shin.

Upstairs we advise to wear clothes made of slippery fabrics: capes or tarp. A mandatory element of the forest wardrobe is a headdress. Without it, you should not go to nature in any case. Forest residents wear special anti-encephalitis suits or overalls.

Peels This clothing is sewn in such a way as to block all points of access of the tick to the body. Although protective clothing is considered reliable, it does not guarantee an absolute effect. To strengthen it, people use other means of protection against ticks.

There are a lot of tools that scare away ticks. For example, liquid smoke, balm "Star", anise oil, cloves and lavender. However, they do not really protect against arthropods. You can protect yourself from a bite and deplorable consequences with the help of chemicals.

This task is best handled by "Alfacipermethrin" or "Cipermethrin". The drug is used to treat clothes from ticks, as well as territory. It is profitable to buy concentrates of these substances and dilute them with water yourself. It is very important to follow the instructions.

When a tick comes into contact with the treated tissue, it loses orientation in space. Then the parasite has seizures, and it falls off itself. In addition, there is a high probability that the tick will no longer be able to function.

The solution of the prepared product must be poured into the spray gun and evenly distributed over clothing. You can only wear it when it is completely dry. Although processed things are considered safe for humans, remember that we are dealing with chemistry. Therefore, it is better to wear clean underwear under a forest suit.

Clothing should be done in protective gloves. You should also wear a respirator to protect the respiratory tract from the remedy. As a rule, one treatment from ticks is enough for 1-2 weeks. It is important to keep the suit in a sealed bag or bag. So the chemistry will be slowly weathered out of the fabric.

Properly selected clothing and its treatment is only part of the protection against ticks. Open areas of the skin can be sprayed with repellents, about which I wrote a little above. Also, folk methods were shared by my colleagues Anastasia Chubar and Veronika Zhmurko. You will find their advice on the links.

In nature, it is important to examine each other from time to time. The hotter it is outside, the more active the ticks are. Even the most, at first glance, good protection does not give an absolute guarantee that the parasite will not catch you by surprise. Children’s clothing should be inspected very carefully.

For animals there are also special drugs that protect against ticks. However, not all pet owners use chemicals. For lovers of naturopathy, we have one proven recipe. In equal proportions, it is necessary to grind the leaves of wormwood and neem into powder. And then apply it before each walk with a sponge.

Spread the wool and drive the powder in like powder. To prolong the effect, take the product with you and treat the animal every hour. Pay special attention to the areas of the groin, abdomen, armpits and back, as well as places behind the ears and under the neck. The procedure has a cumulative effect. Repeat it 7-10 days in a row before each walk, and then - 1 time a week.

Let's sum up. It is best to protect yourself from ticks using an integrated approach. This is chemical, mechanical, repellent protection, as well as regular visual inspection. If you are going to nature in the coming days, take care of these things in advance. Take care!


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