Why modern parents do not have time to take care of children
There's a playground under my window. It so happened that now I work from home and could not help but notice how at the end of the day my head explodes in wild pain. All day long I hear screaming from the street. One child runs around the playground and squeals as hard as he can. All day, 10:00 to 22:00. I look out the window: the mother is sitting on the phone, and absolutely does not try to influence the boy. Why? He won't listen to her anyway. There are several reasons why parents make mistakes in parenting. Let us omit the fact that many people do not try to raise a normal person from a child, but simply let everything take its course. Errors in the upbringing of children allow absolutely everything, and this is normal. But trying to raise a person from a child is very important: without instilled values, the child will grow up, but whether he will become a person is a big question.
Society does not affect children Once society thought in patterns. With these patterns, adults beat the heads of children. I can't say it's good. But one thing was great: a cleaner at school could subtract a child for bad behavior, teachers taught politeness and conducted etiquette lessons. In today’s world, everyone behaves as they want. The individuality of the students cannot be compromised: this is their life. It is only very often that this individuality is outside the law as an adult.
Parents forgive bad behavior, "It's children," is a naive phrase that all irresponsible parents say. It is easier to say a simple phrase than to convey to a child that his behavior is unacceptable. Adults think that children do not understand anything, but adults are wrong. Children are much more capable than we think. They absorb everything like a sponge. They follow the behavior of parents, repeat everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, if you try to teach a child something, but it does not work, look at yourself from the outside. A bad example is contagious.
Having experienced more than one drama in his life, every loving parent will try to protect the child from suffering. So parents do not help the child to adapt to society. If a child never makes a mistake and mom and dad decide everything for him, he will not become independent. In the future, they will need help from their parents. Or perhaps even worse, he will blame his parents for taking care of him. That's all gratitude. Let the child make his own mistakes. He will only learn when he steps on his own rake.
Endless care for children implies that in old age you can rely on your heirs. After all, when they needed help, the parents were there, but the parents are too trying to please the child, do not teach him that he should give something in return, and not only demand. Parents are afraid that if you do not allow everything to the child and, God forbid, infringe on him in something, he will not want to support the mother and father in old age, he will turn away from his parents. In some ways, this fear is logical, if you do not pay attention to the child, disappear in the evenings at parties with friends, then the grown-up boy will not want to know such woeful parents. Otherwise, the child must understand that mom and dad can not always give him a phone or scooter, like classmates, this is life, and someday he will understand this. A mother and father who talk to their children.
In ancient times, it was customary for the head of the family, the father, to be the first to start a meal. He would take the best piece, eat, then his wife would put the food on, and at the end, the children. Then there was order, everyone knew that without the head of the family they would not survive, willy-nilly had to respect the elders.
Now caring parents take care of the child from diaper to infinity. Mom and dad always try to please the child, because in adult life, little brings joy. The mistake is that in rewarding their child, mom and dad don’t notice how they are sacrificing pleasant moments in life for the child’s happiness.
So the child grows up a spoiled despot. As an adult, he tries to adjust others to his needs and does not take into account the opinions of other people, because in childhood he was allowed everything, and since parents sacrificed their youth, free time and money, why not others do this?

Society does not affect children Once society thought in patterns. With these patterns, adults beat the heads of children. I can't say it's good. But one thing was great: a cleaner at school could subtract a child for bad behavior, teachers taught politeness and conducted etiquette lessons. In today’s world, everyone behaves as they want. The individuality of the students cannot be compromised: this is their life. It is only very often that this individuality is outside the law as an adult.

Parents forgive bad behavior, "It's children," is a naive phrase that all irresponsible parents say. It is easier to say a simple phrase than to convey to a child that his behavior is unacceptable. Adults think that children do not understand anything, but adults are wrong. Children are much more capable than we think. They absorb everything like a sponge. They follow the behavior of parents, repeat everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, if you try to teach a child something, but it does not work, look at yourself from the outside. A bad example is contagious.

Having experienced more than one drama in his life, every loving parent will try to protect the child from suffering. So parents do not help the child to adapt to society. If a child never makes a mistake and mom and dad decide everything for him, he will not become independent. In the future, they will need help from their parents. Or perhaps even worse, he will blame his parents for taking care of him. That's all gratitude. Let the child make his own mistakes. He will only learn when he steps on his own rake.
Endless care for children implies that in old age you can rely on your heirs. After all, when they needed help, the parents were there, but the parents are too trying to please the child, do not teach him that he should give something in return, and not only demand. Parents are afraid that if you do not allow everything to the child and, God forbid, infringe on him in something, he will not want to support the mother and father in old age, he will turn away from his parents. In some ways, this fear is logical, if you do not pay attention to the child, disappear in the evenings at parties with friends, then the grown-up boy will not want to know such woeful parents. Otherwise, the child must understand that mom and dad can not always give him a phone or scooter, like classmates, this is life, and someday he will understand this. A mother and father who talk to their children.

In ancient times, it was customary for the head of the family, the father, to be the first to start a meal. He would take the best piece, eat, then his wife would put the food on, and at the end, the children. Then there was order, everyone knew that without the head of the family they would not survive, willy-nilly had to respect the elders.

Now caring parents take care of the child from diaper to infinity. Mom and dad always try to please the child, because in adult life, little brings joy. The mistake is that in rewarding their child, mom and dad don’t notice how they are sacrificing pleasant moments in life for the child’s happiness.

So the child grows up a spoiled despot. As an adult, he tries to adjust others to his needs and does not take into account the opinions of other people, because in childhood he was allowed everything, and since parents sacrificed their youth, free time and money, why not others do this?
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