How to feed tomatoes in June, so they gain strength
Growing tomatoes requires skill. Even when there were no problems with seedlings, adult plants can turn into frail thickets if not cared for. Feeding tomatoes in the open ground It is an important part of the process that every person who loves working with the land should know.
Store funds cannot be relied on in our time. After a little thought, we decided to tell you about the alternative. These are also more natural ingredients. More environmentally friendly. And more gentle when it comes to your body. What else is needed to grow a generous, and most importantly safe, tomato crop?
Feeding tomatoes in the open ground Soda Soda. - one of the best assistants in the summer cottage because of its many useful properties.
Cowboy Not the most fragrant remedy, but everyone who is familiar with the garden, probably familiar with it. Lately, even it has begun to cost some money, but if there is an opportunity, why not use it?
Bucket of fresh cow-dung Pour water, in a ratio of 1: 3. Let this mixture brew for a week and a half. After this time, you should “mature”, in fact, the mullet itself. Now stir a liter of the resulting product on a bucket of water. With this compound and water the tomato bushes. About a liter and a half per bush. Nothing more can be done. two It's gonna get worse.
For this fertilization, the most ordinary yeast is suitable - both dry and fresh.
For fresh-yeast The following proportion is suitable: 100 g per bucket of water. No need to insist. Take the bucket and water the tomatoes. Dry yeast (10 g, bag) is also diluted in 10 liters of water (bucket), but after that they need to be allowed to stand for about 3 hours in the sun. It is not superfluous to add a couple of spoons of sugar. To feed the yeast.
There is no chemistry in yeast, and they will not give special protection to plants. But they are a good catalyst for plant growth, and they can be combined with any other feeding. It's perfectly safe for plants.
Zola ZolaIn this case, it is our clear favorite. It contains many trace elements, as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. These nutrients are useful not only for tomatoes, but also for all garden crops. Dry ash is often added to the roots of planted plants or simply sprinkled between rows.
To prepare a wonderful solution, you just need to add one glass of ash to a bucket of water and mix. Fertilize with all the resulting solution, even with the substance that did not dissolve and settled at the bottom of the bucket.
The solution for spraying the leaves is prepared using a slightly different technology. 300 g of ash should be mixed with 3 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. It is easy to remember because the numbers are similar: 3, 30, 300. Now the solution needs to stand for about 6 hours and pour into it another 7 liters of water and a little grated household soap. We filter the mixture and spray the leaves of tomato bushes with it.
If there are no ashes under your hands, collect the hated weeds and burn them. You can do 2 good things at the same time.
These are the tips we have for you today for the care of suburban tomatoes. As you can see, not a gram of chemistry. The harvest will remain natural, and with the help of our little tricks you can really multiply it. Country life is not only kebabs, fresh air and hard work in the beds. It is also the ability to cleverly use improvised means to get the desired result.

Store funds cannot be relied on in our time. After a little thought, we decided to tell you about the alternative. These are also more natural ingredients. More environmentally friendly. And more gentle when it comes to your body. What else is needed to grow a generous, and most importantly safe, tomato crop?
Feeding tomatoes in the open ground Soda Soda. - one of the best assistants in the summer cottage because of its many useful properties.
- It fights pests and diseases of garden crops, but it can also be used for preventive procedures. Prepare a solution: In 5 liters of warm water you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda1 tbsp. vegetable-oil and 20g grated household-soap. We mix, filter the solution through several layers of gauze and spray the tomato bed.
If the procedure is repeated 2 times a month, tomatoes will not be afraid of any fungal diseases. - Improves the taste of tomatoes and increases the yield of plants. In 10 liters of a container of warm water, stir 2 tbsp. l. table soda and just fields with this composition of the bed. The taste of the crop will be more saturated, and the tomatoes themselves will grow large and juicy.
- It saves you from yellow and rotten foliage. To improve its condition, spray the tomato leaves with the following solution. 10 liters of warm water + 1 tbsp of soda. Nothing needs to be watered this time. Just spray the problem plants with a sprayer, and their condition will soon improve.
Cowboy Not the most fragrant remedy, but everyone who is familiar with the garden, probably familiar with it. Lately, even it has begun to cost some money, but if there is an opportunity, why not use it?

Bucket of fresh cow-dung Pour water, in a ratio of 1: 3. Let this mixture brew for a week and a half. After this time, you should “mature”, in fact, the mullet itself. Now stir a liter of the resulting product on a bucket of water. With this compound and water the tomato bushes. About a liter and a half per bush. Nothing more can be done. two It's gonna get worse.
For this fertilization, the most ordinary yeast is suitable - both dry and fresh.
For fresh-yeast The following proportion is suitable: 100 g per bucket of water. No need to insist. Take the bucket and water the tomatoes. Dry yeast (10 g, bag) is also diluted in 10 liters of water (bucket), but after that they need to be allowed to stand for about 3 hours in the sun. It is not superfluous to add a couple of spoons of sugar. To feed the yeast.

There is no chemistry in yeast, and they will not give special protection to plants. But they are a good catalyst for plant growth, and they can be combined with any other feeding. It's perfectly safe for plants.
Zola ZolaIn this case, it is our clear favorite. It contains many trace elements, as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. These nutrients are useful not only for tomatoes, but also for all garden crops. Dry ash is often added to the roots of planted plants or simply sprinkled between rows.
To prepare a wonderful solution, you just need to add one glass of ash to a bucket of water and mix. Fertilize with all the resulting solution, even with the substance that did not dissolve and settled at the bottom of the bucket.

The solution for spraying the leaves is prepared using a slightly different technology. 300 g of ash should be mixed with 3 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. It is easy to remember because the numbers are similar: 3, 30, 300. Now the solution needs to stand for about 6 hours and pour into it another 7 liters of water and a little grated household soap. We filter the mixture and spray the leaves of tomato bushes with it.
If there are no ashes under your hands, collect the hated weeds and burn them. You can do 2 good things at the same time.

These are the tips we have for you today for the care of suburban tomatoes. As you can see, not a gram of chemistry. The harvest will remain natural, and with the help of our little tricks you can really multiply it. Country life is not only kebabs, fresh air and hard work in the beds. It is also the ability to cleverly use improvised means to get the desired result.
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