What is the beauty of patchwork sewing in the “Pizza” technique
Sooner or later, every diligent needlewoman collects a huge amount of unnecessary cuts from fabric, which are difficult to find use. In such cases, patchwork sewing for beginners in the “Pizza” technique comes to the rescue. It is about this wonderful reception that the editorial staff will tell in detail today. "Site".
Everyone knows how to make pizza: roll out the dough, chaotically lay out sausage, vegetables, greens and finally sprinkle cheese on top. It's exactly the same. patchwork The name is similar to this Italian dish.
The result is impressive, isn't it? But most importantly, This is a great way to get rid of unnecessary tissue residues.. Take note of this technique so you can learn how to use creatively what most people throw away. Give the will of imagination and boldly create beautiful with your own hands. Good luck!

Everyone knows how to make pizza: roll out the dough, chaotically lay out sausage, vegetables, greens and finally sprinkle cheese on top. It's exactly the same. patchwork The name is similar to this Italian dish.
- To begin with, we will need doublerin, flieselin or any other adhesive surface. Cut out a piece of the desired shape from the selected material.
- Then we lay out on the doublerin all sorts of small tissue trimmings around the perimeter. At this stage, we form the future pattern of the product. You can select flaps by color or randomly place them on the glue surface. If you wish, put sequins, feathers or other decorative materials to them. So the result will only be brighter and more interesting.
- After doing the above, cover the workpiece with a layer of organza, tulle, decorative grid or any other transparent fabric of your choice.
- After we take wet gauze, place it on top of the future product and carefully press with a hot iron, fixing all the layers. With the help of a pair of doublerin is best bonded with other materials. As a result, we get a kind of fabric sandwich.
- We remove the gauze and compact our canvas. We lay the syntepon on the back of the product. Under the bottom we put another layer of any strong fabric. All this is fixed with pins so that during firmware tulle does not slide. Then we zip our pizza on the sewing machine. You can use any lines and change direction depending on what pattern you want to get.
- Cut the edges if necessary. Our patchwork is done! It can create everything. starting with blankets, pillowcases and ending with purses, cosmetics and even handbags.
The result is impressive, isn't it? But most importantly, This is a great way to get rid of unnecessary tissue residues.. Take note of this technique so you can learn how to use creatively what most people throw away. Give the will of imagination and boldly create beautiful with your own hands. Good luck!
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