How to behave so that an adult child does not throw that glass of water in your face

Even young and inexperienced parents firmly believe that they know for sure. How to properly raise children It's in their family. And if they need advice, they do not turn to specialists, but to older relatives. Is that right?

Today, even the obvious recommendations of teachers to create a trusting relationship with a child or improve the atmosphere in the family are often ignored. So we're in the editorial office. "Site" We want to remind you of the most important things that must be present in any house.

Why do parents who stubbornly believed in the correctness of their upbringing remain lonely in old age? Because of what the child, barely becoming independent, forgets to call and does not hurry to visit? Why do quarrels and resentments not allow you to build a pleasant relationship with adult children? Such problems can be avoided.

  1. Respectful atmosphere in the family
    It seems easy to remember respect. But do parents always see the child as an independent person? Do you always give your child free space? A child is a small adult. He feels how his parents treat him and how they treat each other. And the more negativity around, the more bad will remain in his mind. After a few years, parents will have to reap the benefits.

  2. Lack of manipulation
    “We work tirelessly, and you learn laziness” – a phrase that in different variations sounds in many families. Claims against the child often consist in his unwillingness to learn or help, in his antics or disobedience. And it is easy to accuse the child of ingratitude, trying to press in this way to get the necessary reaction.

    Of course, the child must understand the value of things, must appreciate the work of others (especially their own parents). But to come to this is not through intimidation and manipulation with guilt, but through trusting and respectful conversations through explanations. Yes, it takes more time and effort. But the result is much better.

  3. Protection for the child
    “It’s my fault” is a phrase that instantly destroys a child’s trust in a close adult. When your child is offended by someone, try to understand the situation, but by default trust the words of your baby. Do not overstep and do not let the child feel permissive. Let the child always be sure that the parents will get to the truth and be sure to do justice.

Educational process It goes on for years. It is not surprising that there is a place for both good and bad. But if the family used to be friends, trust and trust each other, then these relationships will definitely stand the test of time. And to return to the parental home adult child will be very willing. After all, this place and these people are associated with a warm and friendly atmosphere.


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