Which spice is perfect for your zodiac sign
Spices are an indispensable part of any dish, be it soup, garnish or salad. Even the youngest hostess knows: in cutlets you need to add a little pepper, and in sweet pastries – a little vanilla. Spices reveal the taste of the dish and add new facets to it. If the signs of the zodiac are replaced by various spices, it can turn out very horoscope.
Spices are different: sharp, soft, spicy and even sweet to taste. In the same way, the character of people is different. Editorial "Site" I drew a parallel between spices and signs of the zodiac - what we got, see in this article.
Aries is a rich rosemary Rosemary - it's sort of on its own. It is rarely used together with other spices: a pair of twigs is enough to saturate the dish. Also, Aries do not need large companies - they are self-sufficient and prefer loneliness.
In addition, they are interested in meditation, psychology and other methods of self-knowledge. This sign likes to be a leader, and Aries is very good at it!
Taurus – unpredictable curry Curry – seasoning of a mixture of spices, which has no specific taste. He is always different, then slightly spicy, then godlessly burning. Exactly the same character in Taurus: from hot to cold water. They're never boring.
However, with Taurus you can find an interesting friend and get into the whirlpool of life adventures. They believe that life should be taken to the maximum, and their example shows how to do it to others.
Gemini - spicy nutmeg In its raw form, nutmeg is very burning. But if you add a little hot sauce or drink to it, the authentic aroma and sweet taste of the spice will be revealed.
So with Gemini: when they meet, they may seem quite tough, but if you give them love and warmth, you will see a person in them who you do not want to part with all your life. People of this sign are the most faithful friends, life partners, as well as hot lovers.
Cancer - cozy cardamom Cardamom - a great addition to baking or coffee, and in fact they are associated with home comfort. Also, Cancers are always cozy and warm, they are able to defuse a conflict situation. Representatives of this sign are creative and sociable people.
If you add too much cardamom, the taste will become very sharp, and if you anger Cancer, a real tornado will erupt! It is true that this zodiac sign can quickly cool down, but you should not once again knock a person out of balance.
The lion is a burning carnation - a symbol of power, its buds resemble the scepter of kings, which Lions proudly wear in life. They are used to leading and manipulating others, and this is usually very easy for them.
In the stalks of cloves, all its bitterness is concentrated, and in the heads - a spicy taste and aroma. So Leo can be different, depending on how you approach it. Praise the people of this sign often to earn favor.
To the taste of sesame you need to get used to, but then you will add its seeds to each dish. So with Virgos: at first they may behave strangely and illogically, but after a while you can see their beautiful sides.
In addition, they are not as easy to understand as the shell of sesame. However, if you deserve their location, you will feel all the tenderness that this sign can give.
Libra - refined fennel Fennel - a sweet and refreshing spice. It used to be used instead of chewing gum. Therefore, Libra are dreamers, idealists, people with lofty goals and aspirations. This spice can decorate any dish, add refinement.
Libra can join any company and give everyone a good mood. They are vulnerable, sensitive, so they are always ready to provide support, and you can thank them in return.
Scorpion - alluring vanilla vanilla - a spice with the sweetest aroma. But don't fool yourself! Its real taste is island-bitter, so before adding it to the dish, it is worth grinding vanilla with powdered sugar or preparing a sweet syrup.
Also, Scorpio can charm at first sight, and then surprise with not very pleasant actions. They are difficult to understand – most people ignore them. In fact, everything is simple - in order to tame a Scorpio, you need to give him love, affection and care.
Sagittarius - refreshing mint mint - an excellent addition to almost any kind of dishes: desserts, drinks, salads and meat. The interests of Sagittarius are also diverse: most often they skillfully combine, for example, dancing and martial arts, as well as collect diplomas from various educational institutions and master classes attended.
At the same time, Sagittarius, like mint, refresh and soothe. Therefore, they can give good advice in any situation and create a good family.
Capricorn - warming ginger Ginger is very burning, but if you add it a little to coffee or cookies, it will warm and give coziness. Capricorns often fall into extremes: they manifest themselves too strongly, then close themselves and become indifferent.
Thanks to both sharp and sweet taste, ginger is perfectly combined with almost all existing seasonings. So Capricorns perfectly fit into any team and become the favorites of all relatives.
Aquarius - savory cumin Cumin - a very specific seasoning, which is not liked by everyone, as well as representatives of this sign. But if you try the cumin, the bitterness will pass, and there will be a spicy sweetish taste. And if you get to know Aquarius closer, you will notice that behind the temper of this sign there is a nice nice person hiding.
On the seeds of this spice often insist alcohol, which is then drunk in the company of loved ones. Aquarius will not abandon the party, often act as initiators and windshields themselves.
Pisces - intoxicating coriander Coriander - a spice that is added to mulled wine. This drink is drunk and warm, as well as representatives of this sign. Pisces has a pronounced charisma, which is impossible not to feel: they are able to fall in love with themselves at first sight, and they have no problems with friends.
By the way, coriander is added to Christmas cake. Therefore, the smell of coriander always resembles winter holidays. Fish often plunge into magic - they are dreamers and creative natures. However, sometimes they leave their inner world and achieve great success with the right goals.
I hope you liked this interesting spice horoscope. Maybe you’ve recognized someone close to you, or you’ve learned more about your character. What spice are you in the zodiac sign?

Spices are different: sharp, soft, spicy and even sweet to taste. In the same way, the character of people is different. Editorial "Site" I drew a parallel between spices and signs of the zodiac - what we got, see in this article.
Aries is a rich rosemary Rosemary - it's sort of on its own. It is rarely used together with other spices: a pair of twigs is enough to saturate the dish. Also, Aries do not need large companies - they are self-sufficient and prefer loneliness.

In addition, they are interested in meditation, psychology and other methods of self-knowledge. This sign likes to be a leader, and Aries is very good at it!
Taurus – unpredictable curry Curry – seasoning of a mixture of spices, which has no specific taste. He is always different, then slightly spicy, then godlessly burning. Exactly the same character in Taurus: from hot to cold water. They're never boring.

However, with Taurus you can find an interesting friend and get into the whirlpool of life adventures. They believe that life should be taken to the maximum, and their example shows how to do it to others.
Gemini - spicy nutmeg In its raw form, nutmeg is very burning. But if you add a little hot sauce or drink to it, the authentic aroma and sweet taste of the spice will be revealed.

So with Gemini: when they meet, they may seem quite tough, but if you give them love and warmth, you will see a person in them who you do not want to part with all your life. People of this sign are the most faithful friends, life partners, as well as hot lovers.
Cancer - cozy cardamom Cardamom - a great addition to baking or coffee, and in fact they are associated with home comfort. Also, Cancers are always cozy and warm, they are able to defuse a conflict situation. Representatives of this sign are creative and sociable people.

If you add too much cardamom, the taste will become very sharp, and if you anger Cancer, a real tornado will erupt! It is true that this zodiac sign can quickly cool down, but you should not once again knock a person out of balance.
The lion is a burning carnation - a symbol of power, its buds resemble the scepter of kings, which Lions proudly wear in life. They are used to leading and manipulating others, and this is usually very easy for them.

In the stalks of cloves, all its bitterness is concentrated, and in the heads - a spicy taste and aroma. So Leo can be different, depending on how you approach it. Praise the people of this sign often to earn favor.
To the taste of sesame you need to get used to, but then you will add its seeds to each dish. So with Virgos: at first they may behave strangely and illogically, but after a while you can see their beautiful sides.

In addition, they are not as easy to understand as the shell of sesame. However, if you deserve their location, you will feel all the tenderness that this sign can give.
Libra - refined fennel Fennel - a sweet and refreshing spice. It used to be used instead of chewing gum. Therefore, Libra are dreamers, idealists, people with lofty goals and aspirations. This spice can decorate any dish, add refinement.

Libra can join any company and give everyone a good mood. They are vulnerable, sensitive, so they are always ready to provide support, and you can thank them in return.
Scorpion - alluring vanilla vanilla - a spice with the sweetest aroma. But don't fool yourself! Its real taste is island-bitter, so before adding it to the dish, it is worth grinding vanilla with powdered sugar or preparing a sweet syrup.

Also, Scorpio can charm at first sight, and then surprise with not very pleasant actions. They are difficult to understand – most people ignore them. In fact, everything is simple - in order to tame a Scorpio, you need to give him love, affection and care.
Sagittarius - refreshing mint mint - an excellent addition to almost any kind of dishes: desserts, drinks, salads and meat. The interests of Sagittarius are also diverse: most often they skillfully combine, for example, dancing and martial arts, as well as collect diplomas from various educational institutions and master classes attended.

At the same time, Sagittarius, like mint, refresh and soothe. Therefore, they can give good advice in any situation and create a good family.
Capricorn - warming ginger Ginger is very burning, but if you add it a little to coffee or cookies, it will warm and give coziness. Capricorns often fall into extremes: they manifest themselves too strongly, then close themselves and become indifferent.

Thanks to both sharp and sweet taste, ginger is perfectly combined with almost all existing seasonings. So Capricorns perfectly fit into any team and become the favorites of all relatives.
Aquarius - savory cumin Cumin - a very specific seasoning, which is not liked by everyone, as well as representatives of this sign. But if you try the cumin, the bitterness will pass, and there will be a spicy sweetish taste. And if you get to know Aquarius closer, you will notice that behind the temper of this sign there is a nice nice person hiding.

On the seeds of this spice often insist alcohol, which is then drunk in the company of loved ones. Aquarius will not abandon the party, often act as initiators and windshields themselves.
Pisces - intoxicating coriander Coriander - a spice that is added to mulled wine. This drink is drunk and warm, as well as representatives of this sign. Pisces has a pronounced charisma, which is impossible not to feel: they are able to fall in love with themselves at first sight, and they have no problems with friends.

By the way, coriander is added to Christmas cake. Therefore, the smell of coriander always resembles winter holidays. Fish often plunge into magic - they are dreamers and creative natures. However, sometimes they leave their inner world and achieve great success with the right goals.
I hope you liked this interesting spice horoscope. Maybe you’ve recognized someone close to you, or you’ve learned more about your character. What spice are you in the zodiac sign?
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