Why free women should not wear a ring on their ring finger
Sadhguru believes that every part of our body is important. However, coordination of hand movements is of particular importance. Even the finger on which you wear the ring affects your destiny.
It is by the lines on the left hand that we can determine our destiny. Unlike the right, these lines remain unchanged for almost all of life. Therefore, it is recommended to wear rings on the fingers of the left hand.
The ring finger of the left hand has a special power. Sadhguru says that it is with his help that we can control all our lives. The ring finger is also called the sun finger. You can only wear gold on it. It is believed that the number of lines under the finger indicates how talented a person is.
When we put our wedding ring on our ring finger, we open ourselves to the world. Sadhguru believes that it is through this finger that our ability to accept another person into our lives is revealed. And not only man, but all positive cosmic energies.
The hands of man and their role in the fate of the Hand are our main tool. Everything matters, even what position you usually have. If palms facing upYour breath will not be at all as if it were turned down.
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The natural food cycle is sustainable only if we take care of the soil. Water and biodiversity are a Consequence of Rich Soil. #SadhguruQuotes #WorldFoodDay #Sadhguru #Life #Yoga #Spirituality #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 15, 2020 at 8:03pm PDT
Sadhguru argues that all of our unconscious hand movements need to be carefully controlled if we want to do so. live consciously and happily. For example, many in response to someone's request slightly twist their hands, as if not knowing what to answer them. The guru believes that it is this movement that creates disorder in the human energies.
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When your very nature has become ease and restfulness, then there is no such thing as stress in you. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Nature #Yoga #Spirituality #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 14, 2020 at 7:55pm PDT
Disorderly waving of the hands of Sadhguru compares to drivingWhen you don’t know what it is intended for. It's like pressing all the levers, buttons and pedals in a row. Such behavior will not lead to a calm and peaceful life.
If your well-being comes to you in jerks, think about what you are doing with your hands. Remember that only a conscious life will always be happier and longer.
It is by the lines on the left hand that we can determine our destiny. Unlike the right, these lines remain unchanged for almost all of life. Therefore, it is recommended to wear rings on the fingers of the left hand.
The ring finger of the left hand has a special power. Sadhguru says that it is with his help that we can control all our lives. The ring finger is also called the sun finger. You can only wear gold on it. It is believed that the number of lines under the finger indicates how talented a person is.
When we put our wedding ring on our ring finger, we open ourselves to the world. Sadhguru believes that it is through this finger that our ability to accept another person into our lives is revealed. And not only man, but all positive cosmic energies.
The hands of man and their role in the fate of the Hand are our main tool. Everything matters, even what position you usually have. If palms facing upYour breath will not be at all as if it were turned down.
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The natural food cycle is sustainable only if we take care of the soil. Water and biodiversity are a Consequence of Rich Soil. #SadhguruQuotes #WorldFoodDay #Sadhguru #Life #Yoga #Spirituality #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 15, 2020 at 8:03pm PDT
Sadhguru argues that all of our unconscious hand movements need to be carefully controlled if we want to do so. live consciously and happily. For example, many in response to someone's request slightly twist their hands, as if not knowing what to answer them. The guru believes that it is this movement that creates disorder in the human energies.
View this post on Instagram
When your very nature has become ease and restfulness, then there is no such thing as stress in you. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Nature #Yoga #Spirituality #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 14, 2020 at 7:55pm PDT
Disorderly waving of the hands of Sadhguru compares to drivingWhen you don’t know what it is intended for. It's like pressing all the levers, buttons and pedals in a row. Such behavior will not lead to a calm and peaceful life.
If your well-being comes to you in jerks, think about what you are doing with your hands. Remember that only a conscious life will always be happier and longer.
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