A mathematical example that even professors scratch their heads over
Solving arithmetic examples Not every student likes it. Many believe that even without this strict science can do in life. But is that true? And isn’t it stupid to be an adult who can’t solve even a simple mathematical example?
And today's edition. "Site" We offer our readers a few arithmetic examples. After all, these exercises not only teach better to operate with numbers, but also generally develop thinking. A person is trained to generalize and systematize, to draw conclusions and draw conclusions. Therefore, giving time to such tasks is definitely worth it.
Solving arithmetic examples
Task tips
It seems that everything was decided correctly and without mistakes. Or did you get other answers? Don’t forget to share your conclusions in the comments.
And today's edition. "Site" We offer our readers a few arithmetic examples. After all, these exercises not only teach better to operate with numbers, but also generally develop thinking. A person is trained to generalize and systematize, to draw conclusions and draw conclusions. Therefore, giving time to such tasks is definitely worth it.

Solving arithmetic examples
- To solve the first example, you will have to recall not only school math lessons, but also a strict teacher, as well as her teachings. After all, if you do not take into account the rules, even in the simplest example, you can make a mistake. The example below is clearly not the easiest.
- As a second task, we offer amazing at first glance arithmetic examples. However, there are regularities and the number after the sign of equality means something. Try to find out what number should be inscribed instead of the question mark.
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A post shared by Zanna Klubova (@zannaklubova) - And finally, we offer another arithmetic example with a catch. But while it looks pretty simple (and is actually meant for schoolchildren), adults make mistakes, too. And all because at the time not well absorbed the educational material.
Task tips
- The first thing to remember is that first you need to make division, and only then addition and subtraction. So the first thing we need to do is divide 3 into fractions. To do this, we need to multiply 3 by the wrapped fraction. In this case, our example will take the following form: 9 - (3 * 3) + 1 = 9 - 9 + 1 = 1.
- What is the pattern here? Someone who often works with numbers will probably notice that after the equal sign, the difference is first written in succession, and then the sum of the numbers from the left side of the example. 10 – 6 = 4, and 10 + 6 = 16. Therefore, instead of a question mark at the bottom, you need to enter 416.
- Okay, but how do we solve the third example? Here, too, you should observe the sequence of actions, otherwise the answers will be different for everyone. First we perform actions in brackets, then multiply, and only then perform addition. Hence 2 + 2 (2 + 0) + 0 = 2 + 4 + 0 = 6.
It seems that everything was decided correctly and without mistakes. Or did you get other answers? Don’t forget to share your conclusions in the comments.
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