Where to sweep before the New Year, so that money flies into the house like bees for honey

On New Year’s Days, we buy gifts, stock up on food, decorate a Christmas tree and, of course, try to get rid of the garbage accumulated in the outgoing year. No one argues that cleaning before the New Year is important. But it is equally important to bring order within yourself to open the way for positive thoughts and a fresh wind of change.

On New Year’s Eve, I warmly remember everyone with whom I communicated in the past. Human communication, as Antoine de Saint-Exupery rightly observed, is the only real luxury.

But it also happens that it brings more negative than positive emotions. People who see everything in black colors take away our vital energy, make us lose faith in our own abilities and program for failure.

To save nerves and strength, try to keep such communication to a minimum. Leave the eternal sufferers behind. In the new year, it will allow you to pay more attention to those who are really dear to you.

In the East it is said: “Man’s worst enemies would not wish him the misfortunes that his own thoughts can bring.” We often let bad thoughts control us. Repeated regularly, they build up into beliefs and attitudes that shape the reality around us.

Summing up the results of the outgoing year, it is necessary to analyze whether negative attitudes in our minds have not been postponed during this time. Reprogramming it is not easy. But we know at least 3 ways to set your life up for success and a positive way.

Psychologists have long known the Zeigarnik effect, when the brain better remembers interrupted than completed actions. Think about it, you probably also faced a problem from the past, which reminded of itself again and again, causing not the most pleasant feelings.

What we started, but did not finish, subconsciously takes our attention, causing us to waste energy, and does not allow us to really focus on current tasks. Therefore, before the New Year, we need to analyze everything that we did not finish in the old one.

Some things are worth finishing, and from others it is more reasonable once and always to abandon. Having done such an audit, you will release the energy bound by them and take the first step to future success.

The New Year holidays, when it is customary to exchange wishes, is the time to think: what do I really want from life?

Awareness and, most importantly, reinforce action and bring your dreams closer to realization will help the desire map.

How to make it, we told earlier. And today we remind you that before the New Year the map would not hurt to update. Some desires were realized, some ceased to be relevant. When do you want to make new wishes, if not on a magical New Year’s Eve?

The stuff that's soaked up in our souls is ruining our lives with dust behind the plinth. Therefore, doing internal cleaning is no less important than wet. Happy New Year! May it bring only good changes to your life!


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