Mountain bike for men and women: what's the difference?
It is foolish to dispute the fact that anatomically women are markedly different from men. Therefore, manufacturers have tried to make some adjustments when designing a mountain bike so that riders of both genders can enjoy riding equally. Although this does not mean at all that the fair sex definitely needs to ride a women's bike. It's all about the individual characteristics of the physique.
What indicates a lady-belonging of a bicycle?
Taking a look at the range of mountain bikes in a sports store, it is not always possible to immediately identify the female group. The distinctive characteristics are not so noticeable. And yet they are:
- the front frame is slightly shorter and lower;
- based on the fact that women's shoulders are narrower than men's, the steering wheel is also made narrower;
- it is often difficult for girls to reach the brake lever, therefore, adjustment for any palm is specially provided for them;
- the saddle is usually slightly wider and shorter (which provides good support for the pelvic bones);
- the cranks are slightly shorter as the woman is shorter.
Also, the bright design of the great can definitely be attributed to a purely "girlish" feature.
But despite all of the above, the main criterion for choosing MTB is the growth of the potential owner. So whether or not to rely on purely gender differences is a personal matter. If a young lady has an asthenic type of figure, then with a narrow steering wheel she will most likely be easier to control.
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