Care for a relative who gradually loses memory and falls into childhood

My grandmother passed away last year. For more than 8 years, she suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, which, step by step, destroyed her consciousness and personality. Every year, almost 10 million people worldwide face dementia problems. Knowing what to expect from this serious illness, you will be able to relieve seniorityThe one you care about.

© Freepik Today at the editorial office "Site" very important task. We will tell you all the things you need to know about the disease. This will help us gerontologist Laura Wayman and her cognitive book “Talk about dementia”.

Caring for an elderly person suffering from dementia is exhausting. Not primarily physically, but morally. If you happen to encounter this, be prepared for anything. But the first thing you have to do is accept that you can’t change anything. Your task is to take care of your relative and create the most favorable conditions for his life.

He must feel that he is not in danger, that he is safe. Part of the behavior of such a person depends on how you react to his actions. The more positive your reaction, the more favorable the emotional background of the patient will develop.

Accept, not deny The sooner you accept the fact that it will never be the same again, the easier it will be for you to take care of the person. Some people are afraid of condemnation in society, trying to hide what is happening. But we have to talk about it!

Moreover, science is constantly updated with new knowledge about dementia. And you really need to keep up with the times. Study new scientific materials, communicate with specialists, listen to their advice. All this will help to establish contact with the patient and become a real support for him.

Dementia is a serious illness that includes a number of symptoms. They're all connected. impaired memory and other cognitive abilities. In its totality, this leads to changes in the normal activity of the patient. More information can be found on the website of the Alzheimer's Association.

In addition, such people find it difficult to process unfamiliar information and think abstractly. They feel lost, often frightened, and their mood changes not by day, but by hour.

When a specialist makes a diagnosis, he distinguishes from two or more reasons. Depending on the type of ailment, the speed of its development changes, as well as how a person will behave in the future.

No specialist can say exactly how memory will disappear. This is a chaotic process that cannot be predicted. In addition, there is no single correct scheme of how to interact with a sick person. Doctors call every new case of the disease unique.

From personal experience, I will say that it is very difficult. It's hard to put into words the moment my grandmother stopped realizing I was her granddaughter. You just see a person who is slowly fading away and you can’t change anything.

The reality of the patient is completely different from your reality. The behavior of such a person can sometimes be annoying. Don’t try to argue with him or prove your point. Your task is to adapt and create comfortable conditions for life.

The main tool is not words at all, but emotions that can be expressed with the help of gestures, facial expressions and intonations. Your warm smile and touch on your hand can sometimes be enough to strengthen a relationship of trust.

It's not your fault that you're caring for the sick, you can feel guilty, you can think you're not doing enough. But it's a devastating feeling. It will lead to even more stress, fatigue, tension. This, in turn, will affect your loved one.

© Freepik In no case can you sacrifice yourself. It won't bring a miraculous salvation. Seeing that you feel bad, the patient will begin to delve deeper into his illness, close himself from the outside world. If you find it difficult to care for a person alone, do not be afraid to ask for help from other people to give yourself time to rest.

Sooner or later. seniority Dementia will go away forever. This moment cannot be predicted or prepared for. If you have faced this problem, we wish you strength and patience. You may want to share your experience with us. It will be useful and informative for others!


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