Welcome to English courses in Almaty: productive activities for all ages
Seventy million five hundred fifty two thousand one hundred sixty eight
Studying English with a native, you will have to fluently speak and understand the interlocutor. You will be able to communicate fluently with business partners, friends overseas. The school of foreign languages Lingvomaniya https://lingvomania.kz/programm/anglijskij-s-nositelem-yazyka individually developed programs, taking into account:
Classes are taught by experienced teachers with excellent foreign pronunciation. The tutoring is open to all who have the goal to obtain high-quality knowledge.
Selection of individual programs of learning English atacanli you want to understand a foreign language, not to say worse, then welcome to the "Lingomania". Under the guidance of experienced teachers the students can easily overcome the fear of speaking and are actively included in conversations, discussions. The listeners disappear problems with listening, and have an understanding of everything that is said or read in English.
The language school has been operating in Kazakhstan for more than 8 years. Organized English language courses in Almaty can visit students of different ages. During this time, has been developed and fully tested in action program works with qualified teachers who have certificates.
Training with a tutor: who will interesneishie you do not know a foreign language, then coaching will be the best option. The teacher will teach the correct pronunciation, construction of sentences, grammar.
Who English is studied in school, will be able to restore and Supplement their knowledge. You will increase vocabulary, improve spelling. To prepare for exams is also better with a tutor. The teacher will conduct the tests, guaranteed to increase your level of knowledge.
Businessmen, who often have to communicate with foreign partners, it is also better to learn the language under the guidance of a teacher. The media will help you with negotiations, presentations, check the correspondence and point out the mistakes. You will see that any age group of students can effectively and in a short time to master English.
Studying English with a native, you will have to fluently speak and understand the interlocutor. You will be able to communicate fluently with business partners, friends overseas. The school of foreign languages Lingvomaniya https://lingvomania.kz/programm/anglijskij-s-nositelem-yazyka individually developed programs, taking into account:
- age;
- the level of knowledge;
- goals.
Classes are taught by experienced teachers with excellent foreign pronunciation. The tutoring is open to all who have the goal to obtain high-quality knowledge.
Selection of individual programs of learning English atacanli you want to understand a foreign language, not to say worse, then welcome to the "Lingomania". Under the guidance of experienced teachers the students can easily overcome the fear of speaking and are actively included in conversations, discussions. The listeners disappear problems with listening, and have an understanding of everything that is said or read in English.
The language school has been operating in Kazakhstan for more than 8 years. Organized English language courses in Almaty can visit students of different ages. During this time, has been developed and fully tested in action program works with qualified teachers who have certificates.
- The individual planning of lessons. You will test the level of knowledge of English and will be appropriate training program. Through this campaign the students very quickly learn to Express their thoughts, construct sentences and understand the interlocutor. Learning grammar is parallel.
- Training without discontinuing work. Offer for corporate clients. The service became popular among the employees of commercial companies – they do not take time off from work to get to class. The teacher comes to the office at your convenient time and take lessons.
- Organized classes in Almaty. The school has its own feature classes, which invited all students. There is always a friendly atmosphere and pleasant environment.
- Classes in groups. The students are divided into small groups by age and interests. Thanks to the mutual understanding in teams able to work productively in the classroom.
- Classes via Skype. The modern way to learn a foreign language at a distance. Even communicating through the Internet, teachers will be able to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. The lessons will be conducted in the most comfortable environment, equally important features of classes.
Training with a tutor: who will interesneishie you do not know a foreign language, then coaching will be the best option. The teacher will teach the correct pronunciation, construction of sentences, grammar.
Who English is studied in school, will be able to restore and Supplement their knowledge. You will increase vocabulary, improve spelling. To prepare for exams is also better with a tutor. The teacher will conduct the tests, guaranteed to increase your level of knowledge.
Businessmen, who often have to communicate with foreign partners, it is also better to learn the language under the guidance of a teacher. The media will help you with negotiations, presentations, check the correspondence and point out the mistakes. You will see that any age group of students can effectively and in a short time to master English.
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