Overview of pain medications - which is better Baralgin, Mexican or Andipal
Eighty nine million seven hundred thirty three thousand one hundred forty two
Pain medication is a very necessary remedies that should be in the body of every human being. After all, almost everyone is faced with situations when urgently needed to relieve pain, be it even an ordinary headache. To purchase any analgesic drug without prescription from a doctor, so come to the choice of means is with great responsibility: many of them have a large number of contraindications. And it is worth remembering that constant pain is an alarming symptom that may indicate serious disease.
The active substance in this preparation is the metamizol sodium. Baralgin has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic action. The drug is indicated for a strong toothache and headache, muscle spasms, after surgery and at high body temperature. However, this drug is banned in some countries because of dangerous side effect: because of the oppression of the ability of bone marrow to produce white blood cells. In this case the human body becomes vulnerable to any infection.
Acts by contraindications pregnancy and lactation, the age of 13. There is also a large number of contraindications: intolerance to the components, gastrointestinal diseases, disorders of the kidneys and liver, glaucoma, tachyarrhythmia, asthma, porphyria, liver, any kind of anemia.
The drug has analgesic and antispasmodic effect with a weak or moderate pain syndrome. Maxigan shown, with cramps, intestinal colic, pain syndrome in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the pelvic organs. The tool is extremely effective for migraines, caused by a spasm of blood vessels. Also acts as an additional drug after surgery.
Maxigan not allow to use in some cases: hypersensitivity, violations of bone marrow hematopoiesis, renal failure, diseases of the vascular system, glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, pregnancy and lactation, children up to age 3 months. Possible side effects related to the process of digestion, circulatory system and urinary system.
Andipal is a combined preparation that is effective in low pain syndrome. Indications for use are pain associated with spasm of the organs and blood vessels. The drug also has analgesic and vasoconstrictor action. The remedy is contraindicated in convulsions, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and circulatory system, anemia of any origin, chronic constipation, diabetes, and increased sensitivity to the composition.
Andipal also able to relieve emotional tension and calm, reinforcing the action of sleeping pills. The product is not compatible with alcoholic beverages. Possible side effects from the digestive process, respiratory, blood pressure.
Pain medication is a very necessary remedies that should be in the body of every human being. After all, almost everyone is faced with situations when urgently needed to relieve pain, be it even an ordinary headache. To purchase any analgesic drug without prescription from a doctor, so come to the choice of means is with great responsibility: many of them have a large number of contraindications. And it is worth remembering that constant pain is an alarming symptom that may indicate serious disease.

The active substance in this preparation is the metamizol sodium. Baralgin has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic action. The drug is indicated for a strong toothache and headache, muscle spasms, after surgery and at high body temperature. However, this drug is banned in some countries because of dangerous side effect: because of the oppression of the ability of bone marrow to produce white blood cells. In this case the human body becomes vulnerable to any infection.
Acts by contraindications pregnancy and lactation, the age of 13. There is also a large number of contraindications: intolerance to the components, gastrointestinal diseases, disorders of the kidneys and liver, glaucoma, tachyarrhythmia, asthma, porphyria, liver, any kind of anemia.

The drug has analgesic and antispasmodic effect with a weak or moderate pain syndrome. Maxigan shown, with cramps, intestinal colic, pain syndrome in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the pelvic organs. The tool is extremely effective for migraines, caused by a spasm of blood vessels. Also acts as an additional drug after surgery.
Maxigan not allow to use in some cases: hypersensitivity, violations of bone marrow hematopoiesis, renal failure, diseases of the vascular system, glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, pregnancy and lactation, children up to age 3 months. Possible side effects related to the process of digestion, circulatory system and urinary system.

Andipal is a combined preparation that is effective in low pain syndrome. Indications for use are pain associated with spasm of the organs and blood vessels. The drug also has analgesic and vasoconstrictor action. The remedy is contraindicated in convulsions, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and circulatory system, anemia of any origin, chronic constipation, diabetes, and increased sensitivity to the composition.
Andipal also able to relieve emotional tension and calm, reinforcing the action of sleeping pills. The product is not compatible with alcoholic beverages. Possible side effects from the digestive process, respiratory, blood pressure.