Modern system of record for non-professional use
Fifty million one hundred seven thousand two hundred fifty seven
Musicians, Amateurs and owners of Internet blogs with the video producers of audio engineering has proposed a new Amateur sets to qualitatively record the soundtrack for the footage. Online store Muzline.ua the kits feature a simple recording device. The package model includes:
Each element has basic functionality and allows a separate connection to the desktop PC or laptop that runs the processing of information. The range includes devices with minimal features and branded high-quality models. For any product provided for affordable prices, which further attracts customers.
Features of the kits
The use of multiple allowed not only to record and process material at home. Compact size enables:
Limitations in the use of
Even the most versatile instrument has some limitations and recommendations for use. If you comply with the rules, then the recorded sound will be high quality, which is important for video editing or presentation of music.
Manufacturers recommend to follow the rules of the use of microphones and built-in preamps. Such elements have some limitations when working in "field conditions".
The transmission of information, as well as a power/microphone connection, sound card and network cable provided through the USB port. For the correct operation of each device will need to use a separate interface. Such an approach will ensure not only the quality of the connection of all devices, but also stable operation of the system. And this is an important condition to produce quality material.
Musicians, Amateurs and owners of Internet blogs with the video producers of audio engineering has proposed a new Amateur sets to qualitatively record the soundtrack for the footage. Online store Muzline.ua the kits feature a simple recording device. The package model includes:
- soft;
- microphone;
- portable sound card.

Each element has basic functionality and allows a separate connection to the desktop PC or laptop that runs the processing of information. The range includes devices with minimal features and branded high-quality models. For any product provided for affordable prices, which further attracts customers.

Features of the kits
The use of multiple allowed not only to record and process material at home. Compact size enables:
- to arrange a location shoot;
- to do a report outside the Studio;
- separately record the soundtrack to the video.
Limitations in the use of
Even the most versatile instrument has some limitations and recommendations for use. If you comply with the rules, then the recorded sound will be high quality, which is important for video editing or presentation of music.
Manufacturers recommend to follow the rules of the use of microphones and built-in preamps. Such elements have some limitations when working in "field conditions".
The transmission of information, as well as a power/microphone connection, sound card and network cable provided through the USB port. For the correct operation of each device will need to use a separate interface. Such an approach will ensure not only the quality of the connection of all devices, but also stable operation of the system. And this is an important condition to produce quality material.