Puppets as an element of the organization of congratulations on the occasion
Fifty five million seven hundred eighty four thousand four hundred seventy four
Puppets at your event
Any gift not only possible but also need to present original, delivering your birthday a lot of positive and pleasant moments. Think of yourself, or find recommendations on sites devoted to festivities. Your unconventional approach will appeal to a friend or a girlfriend. Ideas a huge amount of, try to delineate them in categories.
"The courier-Teatral"
Organize delivery of your gift by courier in a carnival or theatrical costume. For example, a very merry minutes will give costumes dolls in the form of a huge lion or Bunny. By arrangement, you can use the costumes of famous personalities or characters from fairy tales.
An interesting proposal is to use two kids and dress them up in costumes of angels. They read congratulatory wishes, and then you'd open the box with tropical butterflies. No doubt, such a greeting will give a lot of admiring exclamations and pleasant moments not only for the celebrant, but also to all its guests.
Balls with surprises
Balloons – a mandatory attribute of almost any occasion. They decorate and bring joy to their bright colors.
If you are giving an oversized gift can be placed in a bowl, order a bowl of surprises. It is usually filled with streamers, confetti and notes of congratulations. When the balloon bursts, and scatters its contents, the hero of the occasion with enthusiasm looking for your gift in this colourful chaos. Funny and fun.
A crossword puzzle for the birthday boy
Unusual gift idea for a birthday: a birthday comic prepare a crossword puzzle
which is encrypted word — the place where the hidden gift. It would be appropriate if the questions in the crossword
are directly related to the hero of the occasion. To solve this exciting crossword puzzle.
A disguised diamond
An interesting option for presenting a very close and beloved person for you to disguise an expensive gift less valuable. For example, a piece of jewelry to put in a box of chocolates. Originally the hero of the occasion give the impression one impression about the gift, but after a box of chocolates he (a) will print – the astonishment you will read on his (her) face.
The precious ring can be put in a glass of champagne and to enjoy the contemplation of the emotions of the birthday girl.
"Seven dresses"
Wrap your gift in one package, then another and so many times. The same can be done with a lot of boxes. A fascinating and fun process of printing will be very fun, especially for children.
To find a gift for the prompts
Another interesting option is to hide the gift and prepare clues in the form of small notes. Here for the borders of your imagination no limits. Note better put to the hero of the occasion is not a very long time to find them, in order not to turn to find a gift in the tedious "grind".
Verbal greetings
If you have at least a small talent for writing, you should use it when giving the gift. You can compose a short poem about the birthday boy. Even more interesting is the version with music. Get the song you can play by yourself or connecting to the idea of comfort.
Themed event
If the Grand event will be held in any style, the content of the party will tell you how to give a gift according to the theme. For example, if it's a party of pirates, to give the card and also to come up with an original place where to hide it. In addition, to create the right atmosphere, you need to be puppets of fairy tale characters.
Puppets at your event
Any gift not only possible but also need to present original, delivering your birthday a lot of positive and pleasant moments. Think of yourself, or find recommendations on sites devoted to festivities. Your unconventional approach will appeal to a friend or a girlfriend. Ideas a huge amount of, try to delineate them in categories.

"The courier-Teatral"
Organize delivery of your gift by courier in a carnival or theatrical costume. For example, a very merry minutes will give costumes dolls in the form of a huge lion or Bunny. By arrangement, you can use the costumes of famous personalities or characters from fairy tales.
An interesting proposal is to use two kids and dress them up in costumes of angels. They read congratulatory wishes, and then you'd open the box with tropical butterflies. No doubt, such a greeting will give a lot of admiring exclamations and pleasant moments not only for the celebrant, but also to all its guests.
Balls with surprises
Balloons – a mandatory attribute of almost any occasion. They decorate and bring joy to their bright colors.
If you are giving an oversized gift can be placed in a bowl, order a bowl of surprises. It is usually filled with streamers, confetti and notes of congratulations. When the balloon bursts, and scatters its contents, the hero of the occasion with enthusiasm looking for your gift in this colourful chaos. Funny and fun.
A crossword puzzle for the birthday boy
Unusual gift idea for a birthday: a birthday comic prepare a crossword puzzle
which is encrypted word — the place where the hidden gift. It would be appropriate if the questions in the crossword
are directly related to the hero of the occasion. To solve this exciting crossword puzzle.
A disguised diamond
An interesting option for presenting a very close and beloved person for you to disguise an expensive gift less valuable. For example, a piece of jewelry to put in a box of chocolates. Originally the hero of the occasion give the impression one impression about the gift, but after a box of chocolates he (a) will print – the astonishment you will read on his (her) face.
The precious ring can be put in a glass of champagne and to enjoy the contemplation of the emotions of the birthday girl.
"Seven dresses"
Wrap your gift in one package, then another and so many times. The same can be done with a lot of boxes. A fascinating and fun process of printing will be very fun, especially for children.
To find a gift for the prompts
Another interesting option is to hide the gift and prepare clues in the form of small notes. Here for the borders of your imagination no limits. Note better put to the hero of the occasion is not a very long time to find them, in order not to turn to find a gift in the tedious "grind".
Verbal greetings
If you have at least a small talent for writing, you should use it when giving the gift. You can compose a short poem about the birthday boy. Even more interesting is the version with music. Get the song you can play by yourself or connecting to the idea of comfort.
Themed event
If the Grand event will be held in any style, the content of the party will tell you how to give a gift according to the theme. For example, if it's a party of pirates, to give the card and also to come up with an original place where to hide it. In addition, to create the right atmosphere, you need to be puppets of fairy tale characters.