Yesterday held an open lesson and ended up in an awkward situation...
Eighty one million two hundred forty two thousand seven hundred eight
I work as a teacher in elementary school. Recently held an open lesson. Was very worried all night pored over the script. The result was composed the whole tale. And then came the rush hour. Came two strict aunts sat at the last Desk. I start the lesson:
— Good morning, children! Today I have prepared for you something very interesting. I called for lesson two monkeys!
Reached into the bag to get a plush toy. Raise your head, and the children turned in unison and stared at aunts at the last part.
Vetting, but so uncomfortable I have ever had.
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
I work as a teacher in elementary school. Recently held an open lesson. Was very worried all night pored over the script. The result was composed the whole tale. And then came the rush hour. Came two strict aunts sat at the last Desk. I start the lesson:
— Good morning, children! Today I have prepared for you something very interesting. I called for lesson two monkeys!
Reached into the bag to get a plush toy. Raise your head, and the children turned in unison and stared at aunts at the last part.
Vetting, but so uncomfortable I have ever had.
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
I covered all my tracks carefully, but my wife burned it anyway!
The young man asked the elder a question and got a truthful answer