Why axial compensators bellows

CSR compensators are used to compensate possible stretching temperature pipeline thermal networks, prevent the deformation of the pipelines. They also are used as compensation for angular or shear strain. Compensator bellows CSR is composed of a multilayer bellows of stainless steel (it is presented in the form of a corrugated pipe, having a compensating effect that can compress and decompress, and do not bend under applied effort). On a standard symptom of accession restricted by the coupling, flange and butt weld.
In addition, expansion joints are often provided with an internal screen for protection (for protection against damage to bellows corrugations to the abrasive medium), the outer protective sleeve (for savings of the bellows from mechanical damage). Axial compensator allowable attachment limiting valves which will not allow the compensator to work beyond his technical capabilities and, consequently, to localize the deformation in shear or rotation. Such a compensator is an indispensable basis for the production of a variety of compensation units. Due to the fact that the compensator CSR covers the axial movement in the process pipelines, it is also able to protect the pipeline and the heating system from the distortion, as well as destruction.
Osobennostyami operational use in a production environment at a temperature of -260 to+850 Celsius and pressures up to 63 bar:
- Couples
- Water
- The air
- Oil
- Exhaust gases.
Material performance for the multilayer bellows is stainless steel brands:
- 08KH18N10T
- 08X18H10
- 20Х23Н13.
Material for protective covers is steel 20, stainless steel 08KH18N10T and brands 08H18N10 or 20Х23Н13.
The designs are divided into:
- One sectional
- Two-piece.
Axial expansion joints CSR must be installed not on a curved section of the pipeline in the middle of two immovable supports. In the process of applying the heating systems, the temperature of transmitted medium is somewhat different, therefore, occur axial changes in the length of areas of steel pipelines in the middle supports. CSR compensates thermal distortion through compression and extension of the multi-layered bellows within the boundaries of its axial stroke. At the wrong calculation of the axial shift of the pipeline section likely damage the bellows corrugations.

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