A woman's revenge is very terrible!

A long time ago I went to school with Tanya. How many can remember, she always was pretty vengeful and he never missed an opportunity to get even with offenders
When she was about thirteen, my parents sent Tanya on a computer course at school. At that time computers were not at all to work on them at least in simple programs, I had to learn. There Tanya saw a young lecturer Grisha fell in love with him without memory.
In each session, Tanya pretended he could not understand the task asked Grisha to stay and explain her some questions. But the guy, of course, was not interested in little girls, so hung out with her most polite. He taught Tanya and safely released into the big world. But Tanya was holding a grudge and decided that he would take revenge.
A few years later, when Tanya was already in my first year of University, at parties accidentally met with the same problem. Tanya immediately his eyes lit up, she ran to fix my makeup and tried to give her cleavage more alluring. Later, when Tanya was a little drunk, she still felt brave enough and went to find out him relationship...
It was not long enough, and I was scared. No, not for Tanya, Grisha. Before leaving the party, I decided to look into the bath, where he caught Tanya with Grisha, passionately kissing and cuddling... after a few months they moved in together, a year and a half were married, and later became the parents of two wonderful children.
Now that's revenge because revenge!
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