10 weird things that happen with your body during flight in the plane
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Finally it's holiday time and many of us here-here will fall in the salons of the winged cars, to go to warmer climes. However, some are anxious about air travel, associating this process with a lot of inconvenience.
We at the Website decided to find out how flight affects our bodies, and discovered some interesting things.
Swollen feet
The cabin is not a place in which we can move freely, stretching the limb. Unfortunately,the lack of mobility contributes to the stagnation of blood in the legs, which at best will lead to swelling, and at worst — to thrombosis.
This can be avoided from time to time flexing the legs and not allowing the blood to stagnate.
Changing taste preferences
Scientists have found that during the flight areas of the brain responsible for our taste preferences begin to work differently. Even avid sweet tooth on Board may want pizza and tomato juice.
Appears bad breath
Due to dehydration during the flight, our body produces less saliva. This is the reason that in your mouth actively multiplying bacteria, causing an unpleasant smell.
To avoid such consequences possible, to use before the flight only healthy food and taking on Board a mint.
There are problems with the skin
Another consequence of dehydration — flaky skin and pimples. The protective function of our skin is lessened in the dry environment of the "plane" of air, hence, there are different problems with Outlook.
To eliminate such trouble is possible, if you capture on Board a little moisturizer.
There is a giddiness
During the flight, may appear dizziness, and nausea and vomiting. This happens due to the fact that the static picture we see does not match with the movement felt by our inner ear, and the body is under stress.
To reduce the consequences of such dissonance can be,choosing your seats over the wing of the plane, located at the window.
The chair becomes problematic
Lack of mobility can also cause constipation and flatulence. Long sitting slows down the metabolismand change of pressure causes the gases to circulate in an unusual rhythm.
To solve the problem by reducing caloric intake and periodically warming up during the flight.
Hearing is dulled
Due tothe pressure changes in the plane we have ears. If nothing is done, the air begins to push inside, hearing will be dulled and the pain appear.
To get rid of the discomfort will help gum, or Lollipop. They stimulate the production of saliva, when swallowing which will be released a little air.
Suddenly appears a toothache
Many fans of air travel have noticed that during the flight,start to hurt your teeth. The reason is the same pressure difference, where the air entering the small hole, begins to put pressure on the tooth from the inside.
To solve the problem is to visit the dentist before you go.
We consume dangerous bacteria
Despite the desire of the airlines to protect the water supplied on Board most liquids you can meetdangerous intestinal bacteria.
To avoid contamination, during the flight you needto drink only bottled water and avoid food contact with the surface of the table.
We become more nervous
Even those who are not afraid of air travel, on Board the aircraft become serious and sometimes even angry. The reason lies in the fact that during the flight from us not depend our security, and that's a concern.
Distractions will help an interesting book, a movie, or sleep.
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Finally it's holiday time and many of us here-here will fall in the salons of the winged cars, to go to warmer climes. However, some are anxious about air travel, associating this process with a lot of inconvenience.
We at the Website decided to find out how flight affects our bodies, and discovered some interesting things.
Swollen feet
The cabin is not a place in which we can move freely, stretching the limb. Unfortunately,the lack of mobility contributes to the stagnation of blood in the legs, which at best will lead to swelling, and at worst — to thrombosis.
This can be avoided from time to time flexing the legs and not allowing the blood to stagnate.
Changing taste preferences
Scientists have found that during the flight areas of the brain responsible for our taste preferences begin to work differently. Even avid sweet tooth on Board may want pizza and tomato juice.
Appears bad breath
Due to dehydration during the flight, our body produces less saliva. This is the reason that in your mouth actively multiplying bacteria, causing an unpleasant smell.
To avoid such consequences possible, to use before the flight only healthy food and taking on Board a mint.
There are problems with the skin
Another consequence of dehydration — flaky skin and pimples. The protective function of our skin is lessened in the dry environment of the "plane" of air, hence, there are different problems with Outlook.
To eliminate such trouble is possible, if you capture on Board a little moisturizer.
There is a giddiness
During the flight, may appear dizziness, and nausea and vomiting. This happens due to the fact that the static picture we see does not match with the movement felt by our inner ear, and the body is under stress.
To reduce the consequences of such dissonance can be,choosing your seats over the wing of the plane, located at the window.
The chair becomes problematic
Lack of mobility can also cause constipation and flatulence. Long sitting slows down the metabolismand change of pressure causes the gases to circulate in an unusual rhythm.
To solve the problem by reducing caloric intake and periodically warming up during the flight.
Hearing is dulled
Due tothe pressure changes in the plane we have ears. If nothing is done, the air begins to push inside, hearing will be dulled and the pain appear.
To get rid of the discomfort will help gum, or Lollipop. They stimulate the production of saliva, when swallowing which will be released a little air.
Suddenly appears a toothache
Many fans of air travel have noticed that during the flight,start to hurt your teeth. The reason is the same pressure difference, where the air entering the small hole, begins to put pressure on the tooth from the inside.
To solve the problem is to visit the dentist before you go.
We consume dangerous bacteria
Despite the desire of the airlines to protect the water supplied on Board most liquids you can meetdangerous intestinal bacteria.
To avoid contamination, during the flight you needto drink only bottled water and avoid food contact with the surface of the table.
We become more nervous
Even those who are not afraid of air travel, on Board the aircraft become serious and sometimes even angry. The reason lies in the fact that during the flight from us not depend our security, and that's a concern.
Distractions will help an interesting book, a movie, or sleep.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
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