Beauty contest among the animals, these guys would have taken the 17 first places
Twenty nine million three hundred forty six thousand eight hundred eighty one
Nature is an amazing thing, the creations which never cease to admire.
The website has gathered for you the infinitely beautiful, incredibly cute and very funny animals, which once again prove it.
This is Smoothie is one of the most adorable and photogenic cats in the world
And this TEM — the Afghan hound, beauty which is the envy of any supermodel
And here is the beauty Queen in the world of horses — Akhal-Teke horse
Can you imagine more perfect forms than pop this chinchilla? We are not.
Well, perhaps that's that bird
Tons of magnificence can even fit in such a small body as this Guinea pig
Meet Mr. "Best legs"
This Gecko could win the title of "Best smile"
And this kangaroo could compete for the title of the muscular hunk in the world
But the Royal lady is a cat named Princess Aurora
When you birth amazing and I see no reason to hide it
We're gorgeous? Oh, well, stop!
If you think spiders are nasty, just look at this simpatico
It seems that this rooster was painted by the night itself
This ostrich could do a commercial for mascara.
His Musictaste rabbit
And it's a sloth. And he didn't need to hurry. He's already great.
Photos on the preview Pascal Mouawad
via www.facebook.com/mouawadpascal/photos/a.273489002831931.1073741828.273473782833453/575517832629045/?type=3&theater
Nature is an amazing thing, the creations which never cease to admire.
The website has gathered for you the infinitely beautiful, incredibly cute and very funny animals, which once again prove it.
This is Smoothie is one of the most adorable and photogenic cats in the world
And this TEM — the Afghan hound, beauty which is the envy of any supermodel
And here is the beauty Queen in the world of horses — Akhal-Teke horse
Can you imagine more perfect forms than pop this chinchilla? We are not.
Well, perhaps that's that bird
Tons of magnificence can even fit in such a small body as this Guinea pig
Meet Mr. "Best legs"
This Gecko could win the title of "Best smile"
And this kangaroo could compete for the title of the muscular hunk in the world
But the Royal lady is a cat named Princess Aurora
When you birth amazing and I see no reason to hide it
We're gorgeous? Oh, well, stop!
If you think spiders are nasty, just look at this simpatico
It seems that this rooster was painted by the night itself
This ostrich could do a commercial for mascara.
His Musictaste rabbit
And it's a sloth. And he didn't need to hurry. He's already great.
Photos on the preview Pascal Mouawad
via www.facebook.com/mouawadpascal/photos/a.273489002831931.1073741828.273473782833453/575517832629045/?type=3&theater
6 of the rules of care, thanks to which your legs will always look perfect
7 ways to become even more beautiful while you sleep